42 thoughts on “Do you have to roll down your window?”

  1. I’m just curious, how many people on this thread think we need tighter gun control laws? For all you that believe there is a need for tighter gun control, don’t whine about your rights being violated at a DWI checkpoint.. Because the same argument is used to violate the second amendment … I agree that you shouldn’t be stopped at a checkpoint to see if you are drunk because the government is concerned about public safety…Same thing for the second amendment…and driving a car isn’t even a right, it’s a privilege.

  2. it's very simple,you have the right and choice given by your divine creator the free will to choose not to be bothered by things that may not pertain to you,also keep I mind that all police departments in the U.S private for profit corporations!! they are defacto ACTING under the color of law and are not true and lawful police, true law consists of having a victim for a crime to be commited,now it's mostly pretend offenses against the government,

  3. I had a👇🏽➰🍩➰🤚🏼CAP claim they smelled “pot” or “bud” or whatever when i had long shaggy hair and gasp
    “tinted windows!!¿”
    I burst out laughing and the CAPS like “Something funny??”

    Yeah. The only way you smell weeed is if its coming from you. Ive got nothing to do if you wanna hangout though.

  4. The officers are trying to do their job. Keeping drunks from killing you or your children. Whey is it ok to be an A hole? If you are drunk you should be arrested. If you haven't been drinking, why are you being like that?

  5. What is Drunk Driver? If I have 2 drinks during dinner it doesn't affect me, however, my fiance is lit after 2. It's different for everyone! Sorry you were hit by someone that had been drinking. Clearly that asshole did not know the definition of drinking responsibly

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