I bought a similar folder from Amazon that has all my vehicle credentials in it I keep in my visor. I did this when I bought my car brand new (0 miles) in 2018. You open it and everything is displayed without having to take anything out. I have it in hand before the cop even gets out the car. I even have a temp ID I kept that has my current address in it. I also bought a dash cam and did not tint my windows. I was pulled over 1 time in 5 years. Reason. I didn't have my daylight running lights on while it was literally drizzling out. The cop passed me. Busted a U-turn. Sped to catch me. Rolled through a stop sign. Pulled me over just to tell me about the smallest traffic violation. It was approx 1pm in PA. It was light out. I'm hoping for the day they do an unlawful and stop do some dumb shit so I can sue. I need some easy $$.
But at the same time the invoking of your Fifth Amendment right will lead you to be thrown in jail and some people don't have time for that and the money
Although I don’t necessarily agree with your entire approach in your work. 85-90% of what you teach is absolutely amazing. I appreciate you Brother. I hope more people see your work.
I’m a Generation X talking highly talking a little loud talking directly is fine with me because I in a millennial who gets butt hurt for anything thank you for everything that you’re doing. I ordered your stuff and I’m gonna get more. I need to learn because I wanna flex my rights. You’re the man you are the man.
But traffic stopped shouldn't be so violent by the officers that come out with some crazy lunatic behavior! It should be cordial hey how you doing! My name is officer so and so and my badge numbers 007! From Wichita Kansas or wherever you want to say you're from working. Then of the driver starts talkin crazy and messed up or acting strange or weird I would understand a little bit irritation from officer in fear of his life or in fear of being dominated by somebody knows more laws than they do! Six months training is not long enough for an option to be a police officer their jobs too important and our lives are in their hand so they should dadgum well know what they're doing forward and backwards and sideways! Qualified immunity I looked it up on YouTube and it said are Google and it said 1982's when they put that into effect! No wonder our country is going down the toilet fast! I'm going to Google what year they took prayer out of schools and you put that between the 1982 up-to-date and you can see the down spiral like a toilet flushing! Qualified immunity is unconstitutional it's illegal and as a terrorist act on the people!
By-and-large I appreciate what this guy's doing…. However he is further mis educating the public in a number of ways. 1) you don't need a driver's license to travel in your privately owned automobile… There are numerous rulings to this effect. The reason police ask for driver's licenses first thing is it establishes a presumption that you are operating in commerce which by the Constitution Congress is allowed to legislate and regulate… Your driver's license as well as your registration also show that you are consensually complying with an adhesion contract which binds you to statutes otherwise that would not apply to you. In essence you are establishing yourself as an artificial person rather than a natural living and breathing man or woman. There's much more to this but if you want more complete answers and a better way to protect all of your rights then hit me up
The Sally Jesse Rafael of constitutional rights. Its the red glasses bro. Sorry. Been holding in that joke day#1 Adding an I Love Ya so you know im kidding
You are educating & saving lives.
Just accept we are all debt slaves on a global plantation and its only the beginning…
I bought a similar folder from Amazon that has all my vehicle credentials in it I keep in my visor. I did this when I bought my car brand new (0 miles) in 2018. You open it and everything is displayed without having to take anything out. I have it in hand before the cop even gets out the car. I even have a temp ID I kept that has my current address in it. I also bought a dash cam and did not tint my windows. I was pulled over 1 time in 5 years. Reason. I didn't have my daylight running lights on while it was literally drizzling out. The cop passed me. Busted a U-turn. Sped to catch me. Rolled through a stop sign. Pulled me over just to tell me about the smallest traffic violation. It was approx 1pm in PA. It was light out. I'm hoping for the day they do an unlawful and stop do some dumb shit so I can sue. I need some easy $$.
But at the same time the invoking of your Fifth Amendment right will lead you to be thrown in jail and some people don't have time for that and the money
They would love to shoot someone over reaching for it too. Psychos.
Insane that you guys have to live like that .. the police in Norway got guns now to . And they are trigger happy .
In the police defense.they have been shot at and ambushed . And had weapons pulled on them. It ain’t all peaches
Although I don’t necessarily agree with your entire approach in your work. 85-90% of what you teach is absolutely amazing. I appreciate you Brother. I hope more people see your work.
Touchdown position!!
If anything we were doing kill as many innocent ppl as cops kill, they would put a stop to it years ago!!
American problems bro
What if the copper says I'm hiding something in my visor?
Your a scumbag that's selling people a piece of paper.
Your nothing more then a thief.
I want to get one but many comments are saying you won't get it because it's a scam or people are still waiting after 2 weeks? How can I get this ?
Send me one please help me with this one
You are Awesome
I’m a Generation X talking highly talking a little loud talking directly is fine with me because I in a millennial who gets butt hurt for anything thank you for everything that you’re doing. I ordered your stuff and I’m gonna get more. I need to learn because I wanna flex my rights. You’re the man you are the man.
It’s sad how they can justify killing people like that. Great video. Seriously
But traffic stopped shouldn't be so violent by the officers that come out with some crazy lunatic behavior! It should be cordial hey how you doing! My name is officer so and so and my badge numbers 007! From Wichita Kansas or wherever you want to say you're from working. Then of the driver starts talkin crazy and messed up or acting strange or weird I would understand a little bit irritation from officer in fear of his life or in fear of being dominated by somebody knows more laws than they do! Six months training is not long enough for an option to be a police officer their jobs too important and our lives are in their hand so they should dadgum well know what they're doing forward and backwards and sideways! Qualified immunity I looked it up on YouTube and it said are Google and it said 1982's when they put that into effect! No wonder our country is going down the toilet fast! I'm going to Google what year they took prayer out of schools and you put that between the 1982 up-to-date and you can see the down spiral like a toilet flushing! Qualified immunity is unconstitutional it's illegal and as a terrorist act on the people!
LOVE your content!
I need that trifold pamphlet, can you send me one?
I would say even further if you're afraid of being shot don't stop until you reach a public places as well illuminated in lots of people around
By-and-large I appreciate what this guy's doing…. However he is further mis educating the public in a number of ways. 1) you don't need a driver's license to travel in your privately owned automobile… There are numerous rulings to this effect. The reason police ask for driver's licenses first thing is it establishes a presumption that you are operating in commerce which by the Constitution Congress is allowed to legislate and regulate… Your driver's license as well as your registration also show that you are consensually complying with an adhesion contract which binds you to statutes otherwise that would not apply to you. In essence you are establishing yourself as an artificial person rather than a natural living and breathing man or woman. There's much more to this but if you want more complete answers and a better way to protect all of your rights then hit me up
Is he grant cardones brother cause wow
The Sally Jesse Rafael of constitutional rights. Its the red glasses bro. Sorry. Been holding in that joke day#1 Adding an I Love Ya so you know im kidding
It's good

Listen he is soooo serious people so so seriously
Wrong two hands on the wheel plus at night turn on the lights in the car hope u make it
I just get out and throw myself on the ground. Saves time.
And after you get shot , they'll call you a WHAMBULANCE, Freak.
Its just common sense not to reach.
This guy is such a loser lmao
It is pure hyperbole.
The smartest thing you have ever said…and you say alot of stupid shit