Don’t Reach In My Window! – Unconstitutional Checkpoints

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34 thoughts on “Don’t Reach In My Window! – Unconstitutional Checkpoints”

  1. Bananer Anna:

    Josh (AFA):

    Pittsburg Police:

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    The Odd Side:

    Lady LackLuster:

  2. Every time someone claims something got accidently deleted on an electronic device it is a lie. There is nothing like deleting files. A "deleted" file is just taken out of the file list and not shown any more in the file explorer but it is still there. It can be restored with freely available software in minutes unless it has not been written over by other data. Take that especially in mind in the dozends of cases when politicans claimed they accidently deleted a file or their whole phone. 🙂

  3. But, you have to follow the decisions of the Supreme Courts or you end up with Anarchy. Example Bidens student loan forgiveness, Supreme Court rules he does not have the authority to forgive student loans without going through congress! So what does his administration do, they turn around and sign a different one basically the same as the one the court ruled on. So if we dont abide by the Supreme Court ruling until the opportunity arises to challenge it again, we must follow the rulings or like i said earlier, we will have anarchy!😅

  4. Left a purse and a backpack in a car in SanFran? Lol.
    That's just stupid. Love these guys but that was just stupid.
    Leave the windows rolled down don't leave valuables in sight.

  5. The SCOTUS has forgotten that they are GOVERNMENT, as such they need to err on the side of freedom, on the side of the people that the laws were written to protect, and overturn cases like terry v ihio and Pennsylvania v Mimms that allow the GOVERNMENT access to our privacy. The government can't tell us how protect and defend OURSELVES and when they can intrude on our privacy.

  6. That's the best part of being an American. We're allowed to question authority. That's our rights to do so. And if people don't like it go to China. If you think a Supreme Court judge really represents what the people believe you're crazy.

  7. Money's collected from police via traffic tickets or vehicle impounds or any method in which revenue is collected should not I repeat not fund or benefit police. The reason being obvious , it leads to policing for profit and when that happens corruption will follow ! Unfortunately we're to late as police have been benefiting from over policing for years now .

  8. The only problem I have is Josh's Mouth. I agree with not answering unlawful questions but being a Dusche Bag actually can give an officer a reasonable suspicion because NORMAL PEOPLE don't act like entitled idiots.

  9. Well said.
    Too many people are so brainwashed "go with the flow" kinda mentality. How does one get swallowed up in not thinking FOR themselves and aligning your own views with the STATUS QUO. You should question everything & challenge anything. That is the definition of "Being your OWN Individual and Person."
    Real Life 'NPC's' 😂

  10. Deleted as soon as he found out it CAN be legally requested and must be submitted! There still should be punishment for "accidental" or careless deletions. Maybe it will make them be more careful!

  11. Look I'm Spanish European, here alcohol and drug controls are mandatory, and it seems very good to me, I'm 65 years old and I've been on the road all my life and I've seen many deaths on the road by drunks, and it's not fair that someone Page with his life for a drunk, here yes

  12. Fools. Both DUI and immigration checkpoints are clear constitutional violations. They also got it wrong with qualified and other forms of immunity, it allows carelessness, malfeasance, and outright criminality to occur without fear of repurcussion.

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