Dozens of WV Family Court Judges Sign Up For Disciplinary Lottery

UPDATE on the #FamilyCourt #Judge Search case out of #WildandWonderful West Virginia. Dozens (perhaps?) of sitting family court judges enroll in the latest lottery boobie-trap – this one designed especially for America’s favorite branch of the judiciary.

UPDATE 6/18: FOIA request sent:

Original video that started it all:

Well actually that was part 2. Here’s the original original:


27 thoughts on “Dozens of WV Family Court Judges Sign Up For Disciplinary Lottery”

  1. Well here's the reality it's this you go to the DOJ.
    Period unfortunately I think the GOJ is pretty corrupt I don't think you'll get anywhere.
    This is what our government has become.
    These judges.
    All of them need to be removed to replace really.
    'cause they violated their oath Of office and it's conduct I'm becoming
    A judge. Sadly this is only gonna get worse.

  2. Deeper and deeper and deeper they are making up imaginary law. They making
    Your case for you. The worms are squiring in the can. Violation after violation. Truth is stranger then WV family court judges.
    You know they got to go. For freedom sake.

  3. Absolutely incredible stories that you just elaborated on and I do hope you following through these so-called judges need to be reprimanded for their actions who on Earth today think they are gods you are executing a fine job my friend and I hope you follow it through please individuals are Lauren to themselves it appears I'm not sure that this happens in the UK where I live

  4. The whole family court system is screwed up as well as the out of control child advocates office. My daughter is 23 years old and I somehow am still getting my ass rode and threatened with jail over arrears although all of the principal child support is paid off, they somehow have me oweing over $12,000 interest in which my ex wife or daughter does not receive a dime of. Somehow the child advocates office feels entitled to all this money although they never sent my ex a single dime out of their pocket. Every dime my ex got came from me. If I didn't pay she didn't receive any money so I'm curious as to why they feel so entitled to all this money and I'm just one guy who knows how much this corrupt organization is making off guys who are already down on their luck. They are hammering me harder now that all the money owed goes to them than they ever did when I owed actual child support, I can't stay out of court. Let alone ever have a life where I can actually make a halfway decent life for myself and they are still adding interest. Child support should not be a life sentence but mine apparently will be u just feel like giving up because I can't hardly make it. They single handedly have destroyed my life along with the pipsqeak judges who I'm sure are probably getting kickbacks.

  5. Just another example of right wing law enforcement gone wild. They’re convinced this form of government isn’t long for the country, and they can’t wait. Everyone needs to be sure to vote every Republican that promotes the big lie AND acts like these judges out of office this fall.

  6. I have only recently found your channel , and you have very quickly become a permanent addition to my top five … Must watch every episode , past present and future … List .
    Thank you for the many , many hours I imagine you spend away from your family and personal life so that people like myself are more informed , and better prepared when dealing with the government .

  7. I thought there would be bathing suits and drunks falling over… One out of three isn't too bad. 😆😅🤣😂 they were going to spin the bottle next week to find out who would be the leader. They all will have to do anything that person says. They feel a little bad. Afterward, they will play for kisses.
    Does anyone know if they are high school or grade school kids?
    I humbly submit that only adults be allowed to be judge! I think that is reasonable

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