Drivers Licenses are a Scam

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24 thoughts on “Drivers Licenses are a Scam”

  1. POLICE, are independently operated and controlled by whims and opinions of themselves, supervisors, judges, townships, cities, counties, and states! (Police are not educated lawyers and many of them are without high school diplomas!)
    The job of a policeman attracts abusive sociopaths, psychopaths, perverts, and narcissists like drugs are to an addict more than any legal profession!
    Problematic police must pay financial damage themselves for unlawful acts against taxpayers, or the policing problem will only exacerbate …

  2. 😘ALWAYS AT IT DELETE LAWZ! Btw they took away the video I made about your chann some time back, not sure when. It’s gone, I had no idea until today. Guess it scared them shitless…😱. Remember β€œMarvin Gaye’s "What's Going On?" ( From the 70's… yeah people it's still GOING 'EFFING ON!) Now I will post the song Lyrics every chance I can get. Times 10 million. That will serve them for their c en so ring! Love me some Chille! Refresher:

    Hey what's happenin'?
    Brother what's up?
    Hey how you doin'? (this is a big party man)
    Yeah brother like summer, right on (I dig it)
    Hey man what's your name (my man)
    Everything is everything (we gonna get down today boy)
    Mother, mother
    There's too many of you crying
    Brother, brother, brother
    There's far too many of you dying
    You know we've got to find a way
    To bring some lovin' here today, yeah
    Father, father
    We don't need to escalate
    You see, war is not the answer
    For only love can conquer hate
    You know we've got to find a way
    To bring some lovin' here today
    Picket lines and picket signs (sister, sister)
    Don't punish me with brutality (sister, sister)
    Talk to me (sister)
    So you can see (sister)
    Oh, what's going on (what's going on)
    What's going on (what's going on)
    What's going on (what's going on)
    What's going on (what's going on)
    Right on, baby
    Right on
    Right on baby
    Mother, mother
    Everybody thinks we're wrong
    Oh, but who are they to judge us?
    Simply because our hair is long
    Oh, you know we've got to find a way
    Bring some understanding here today
    Picket lines and picket signs (brother, brother)
    Don't punish me with brutality (brother, brother)
    Come on talk to me (brother)
    You can see (brother)
    What's going on (what's going on)
    Yeah, what's going on (what's going on)
    Tell me what's going on (what's going on)
    I'll tell you ya, what's going on (what's going on)
    Right on, baby, right on
    Right on, baby
    Right on, baby, c'mon,

  3. Delete Laws: on what fact do you base your comment that driving license is a scam????
    To have the right to drive a car on public roads you must have a driver licens to prove that you have passed the driving test and are approved to drive. And that you also have learned the traffic laws that is there for everyones safety including your safety in traffic on public roads.

    To claim that is a scam just shows your level of education about WHY a driver of a motor vehicle must have a driving license.

  4. @Deletelawz , You have backed Jeremiah with Auditors of America. Jeremiah sent nude photos and context to My 9 year old Grandson. I have the photos, and conversations to prove it. Charges were filed in Claeksville Tennessee. I have the photos, etc for My proof. No Matter where You stand, Children should be off limits. Use due diligence for Your research on these people. This Man and His wife are bad news. Any proof needed just ask. The Nudes were taken on a child's bed with "Frozen" bedding. The pics are Factual proof. The tattoos and full face shots give it away. πŸ’― I am a Grandfather who will NOT go away.

  5. if he has a license plate he has to have a driver's license now the kick the trick the trick if you go to court never never never never never take fed notes with you never because Federal reserve notes are prima facie evidence of a corporate employment you are a slave you might pull out a chunk of United States mint coins Freeman coins you cannot pay a debt with an IOU a Federal reserve Note is an IOU irredeemable I owe you it is a fraud and if the courts force you to pay Federal reserve notes they are forcing you to commit a fraud

  6. driver's licenses are not a scam exactly they are for commercial drivers to prove proficiency in driving license plate is for commercial drivers in order for a cop to stop you you must have committed a crime hit and run property damage hit somebody crimes victims crimes victims if there are no victims there are no crime drivers license plate are contractual contractual you signed you signed it's a contract civil there is no crime it is civil just like your home you live in your own home you do not own your home the state owns your home you never sign that you received your home 10,000 pieces of paper you signed not one of them gives you the land patent or alloidial land title…. you pay taxes because your real estate and real property is commercial by definition this means you are a tenant in your own home it is commercial property rental property you never own your home you rent it forever and you pay tribute taxes if you pay taxes on it or have to ask permission you do not own it it is not a right marriage license is permission it makes the state a party to your relationship

  7. A sovreign citizen like Delete Lawz pretending laws and our legal system do not apply to them, unless they are suing random youtube channels and making the law work for them when it suddenly does apply.

  8. What is legal is not lawful what is lawful is not legal!!! This note is legal tender for all debts public and private!!! Why does it State on the personification which is money both systems the public and the private system!!! If you are not operating under commerce you need no license no registration no insurance!!! This definitely will be challenged in court by me these road pirates think that they can put me in torture cuffs and violate my rights!!! Well that's where they're wrong I have learned what the difference is between privilege and right… Therefore I know the difference between legal and lawful!!! It is unlawful to consent to a lie or a license a fraud legal fiction, personification, color of law!!!

  9. Very true! Our founding fathers didn’t have drivers licenses. This should be challenged in court. Bruen vs New York pertains to firearms permits and the Supreme Court decision stated that it had to meet history, text, and tradition. That could also be applied to drivers licenses. Every state is different, but South Dakota didn’t require a driver’s license until 1954!

  10. @PSYOPS

    πŸŸ¨π–πˆπππ„π‘ π–πˆπππ„π‘ π‚π‡πˆπ‚πŠπ„π πƒπˆπππ„π‘

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