Dumb Police Officer Traffic Stop

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48 thoughts on “Dumb Police Officer Traffic Stop”

  1. In Garden City GA i was pulled over for a tail light being out. I was arrested and taken to jail for having a suspended license ( it was a mistake and my license was valid). In court the judge still fined me a couple hundred dollars.

  2. This land was stolen from us by white people. So I don't want to hear what you gotta say. American people stole this land from the native people. We are natives, so yes, of course, we do not live by your laws. So of course we're lawbreakers to you

  3. The cop writes him up for a suspended licence taking it from the driver because he is not allowed to have it and should not drive. Nothing argumentative about that, seems transparent enough. However, he flushed it all down the drain by requesting the driver must park his car somewhere else. How must the driver park it there…. by driving it !!!

  4. Old Person: Your infomercials have used 3 videos from our other chan. Last week you said “pay creators” for using videos. Before I copyright strike your lazy ass, where’s my money? “Behind the scenes” my ass.

  5. There is a better way to beat Any traffic ticket WITHOUT going to court.
    Within 72 hrs of getting ticket, send the ticket to the “Court clerk” with a “Notice” letter that says this.

    Dear Clerk of Court
    (or Whomever is the designated Receiver) I am returning this ticket Receipt. There has been a Mistake. I was not given the original wet-ink signature copy by the patrolman and
    have nothing to base payment on as a result. Please remit the wet-ink signature copy at your earliest

    Sincerely , ________________

    Do NOT fill out the ticket Or write anything on the ticket copy.
    95% of the time you will not hear back from the court. The reason is the Town monetized the ticket and
    made a bond from it. They don’t have the original. And by law ( Fair Debt Act ) you must have the original in order to pay. So what usually happens is you go to court a few weeks later and then the judge fines you guilty and you pay the fine. So the Town is double dipping.
    Now if you do hear back from the town asking you to come into court than send another letter like this.

    Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal , Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent

    Town Court
    123 ( Street name )
    city , state , zip

    Dear Clerk of Court
    (or Whomever is the designated Receiver)
    I am returning this ticket Receipt. There has been a mistake. I was not given the original wet-ink signature copy by the patrolman and have nothing to base payment on as a result. Please remit the original wet ink signature copy at your earliest

    I did NOT make ANY Pleadings by mail.
    I have NO contract with the court.
    Please follow due process of the law. The court clerk can be held accountable for Failure to do their
    Fiduciary Duty. Research “The Fair Debt Act “.
    Please remit the original wet – Ink signature copy at your earliest
    convenience. Send it to me by certified mail ,return receipt requested.

    Sincerely , ____________

    I did this with 4 tickets from the same town. 2 tickets in 2020 and 2 in 2022
    I got pulled over by the same cop and he remembered me. The first 2 tickets were no insurance and switched plates. This was during covid and DMV was not open and could not get tags. The 2022 tickets were no valid inspection and false inspection sticker. I was taking the car to the junk yard.
    But anyways I do not condone breaking traffic laws like speeding , running redlights , stopped signs
    ect…. I learned this info from a Female Judge in Alaska .

    This is how to fight back Share this info with everyone. How to beat any traffic ticket WITHOUT going to court. I have done this myself with 4 tickets.

    If Everyone did this then the towns and courts would loose a lot of money and go out of business. This is one way to take back America from the corrupt police and towns and court system that is rigged against the citizen. Dont let them extort money from you ever again.

  6. What's mind-blowing is not that they're two-faced, but that they know how to do the job properly, and it is a willful disregard for the law and specifically the constitution, and for basic human decency, to act like the tyrants that they have become.

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