Every Question Designed To Work Against You Or Stroke An Ego

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00:00 Intro
00:43 Contact
02:25 Logical Fallacies
05:36 Chapter 41 – Section 98
07:05 Rude
09:30 Final

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Disclaimer: NONE of our videos should be considered a “call to action.” The content is created to be educational or is newsworthy and of interest to the public. We are not attorneys. Our videos should not be construed as legal advice. You should seek legal counsel if you believe that you are a victim of police misconduct. The facts presented in our videos are not indicative of our personal opinions. Laws, case law, ordinances, policies, legal doctrine, and all other jurisprudence is subject to the interpretation of the court. The videos shown are designed to be educational, and informative. They should never serve as legal advice under any circumstances. The content provided is in no way intended to provoke, incite or shock the viewer. Our content is created to educate citizens about constitutionally protected activities, law, and civilian rights, and to emphasize the importance of constitutional awareness. All claims made are alleged.

#Cops #LEO #CopsOwned


47 thoughts on “Every Question Designed To Work Against You Or Stroke An Ego”

  1. Cops need to be reformed completely from how they act, how they are trained, how they are armed, how they are judged, how they enforce laws, and so on from the ground up. They also need to have a ride along non cop at all times and have an agency not tied to police at all that investigates every single ticket given, arrest made, and interaction with the public, and the agency needs teeth.

  2. It's so easy to trigger police 😂. It's sad really. All you have to do is be walking around anywhere in America at 2am, guaranteed that if a cop sees you, he will stop and harass you. That's scary to know that

  3. That's how ( section 98 ) works, the words are saying that people are criminals until they the cops decide otherwise.
    Cops these days act like the time is the Hitler era.

  4. BLESSINGS ♥️♥️♥️
    Cops 👮🏻👮🏻you have to love them they never disappoint us at acting 🎭 a fool.
    They LOVE breaking the law and harassing innocent people in order to get their way.

  5. "What happens if tomorrow we go over there and there's something wrong with that building?"

    "What happens if that -"

    "We can do this what-if game all you want. You just keep going down this road of this what-if game."

    ….The cop literally posed a what-if question and the immediately cut him of for playing the what-if game

  6. When will state and federal and supreme courts handle these policing entities and their corrupt institutions?

    Will it take a massive revolution of citizens against the cops?

    Will a governor, members of congress, president or supreme court actually care about police brutality & violations of basic rights of citizens ?

    I am not for defunding the police, just defunding bad & dirty cops, along with judges that turn the heads at brutality.

    Citizens will rise up and then one day the rise up will stay up and a potential violence will force change.

    I am not an extremist, not a political extremist, I am a voter, citizen and willing to participate for change.

    I am not alone, we were sleeping but now we are awake.

    Beware of the storm to come, the storm is citizens

  7. Stop question and frisk was already ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court.
    Awfulcers do not have the right pat down anyone they want because they are out late or they deem they look suspicious.
    The problem is it takes expensive lawsuits that could backfire if you have a bad judge that sides with the police.
    Awfulcer safety trumps our rights and our safety, if things keep on the way they are we will be a police state instead of a free country.
    We need more people in the streets standing up for our rights, I will be as soon as I'm physically able.

  8. What a bunch of assholes, he's lucky, they wanted to escalate that situation and take him to the ground.
    Lucky he's still alive to be honest, bunch of killers right there.
    Get your hand away from my gun?
    What a piece if shit.
    Lawsuit incoming.

  9. I disagree with you, 1officef wasn't rude, 1 was very rude and 1 was extremely rude. Every one of them however was trying to provoke him in order to go hands on. Two of them were guilty of assault.

  10. These morons are mistaking Suspicion with RAS. The man is looking in store windows so what , that is not a crime. Thank God he has a camera therefore if they arrest him on a hunch not reasonable articulated suspicion, it won't go good for them. This is how cops lose their qualified immunity. Get rid of qualified immunity and the police. will Stop Acting like Nazis.

  11. So being out after dark is reason to stop someone. Ridiculous, people who perform this practice should be investigated. People should be left alone unless there is physical evidence of wrong doing.

  12. What’s not normal is these cops harassing and violating this man’s Constitutional rights !!! No crimes have been committed or about to be committed so these cops have no authority to stop or question or harass innocent people !!! These cops are criminals who are breaking the law !!! These cops must be held accountable for their illegal actions !!!

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