My client was arrested by the WV State Police after posting a meme on social media criticizing the West Virginia Governor for his COVID restrictions and threats to have people arrested for not obeying them. I’ll show you the meme and also the law. #YouDecide #FreeSpeech #FirstAmendment
UPDATE: the client has a gofundme for his legal defense, if you can help:
UPDATE: the client has a gofundme for his legal defense, if you can help:
I hate to say it but this falls under the he should have known better category.
what happened ?
I know that you can be arrested for insulting the government……………………………..IN CHINA.
I did not expect it to happen in the US .
Not that this a big deal but I was under the impression that the whole movie theater analogy about freedom of speech was not really a correct way to explain the 1st amendment and it was dropped not long after it was incorrectly used. I can't remember the whole business, I'm not an attorney, just thought it might be an interesting thing to share – if I was able to remember the whole thing. Anybody help me out?
I wonder if they had to call or email Twitter to get his address. Probably the Government already has that information on file.
I'm quite sure the governor didn't lose any sleep over it.
The definition of terrorism has the government performing it on a daily basis.
Gov. Needs 50 , 000 emails and calls enlightening them of what you think. Sue for false arrest.
What was the final result here. Is it still in court?
Know what? I have a lot to say but they are using comments against you, so I will not say HANG THEM ALL or SLICE OFF THEIR NUTS, nor will I say DEATH TO TYRANTS. Just trying to be courteous.
So what about MADONNA? " I have thought a lot about blowing up the WH" She should be in jail.
We have freedom of speech but we can't yell FIRE in a crowded theater. Looks like a threat to me.
Guy has some warped views on "justice" but it's still free speech.
When it says "I think…" that's just an opinion, not a threat. Just free speech. Now a lot of people may have the same opinion after this video goes viral. But that is the Governor's fault for being stupid and having this guy arrest. This could even be a good reason to recall or impeach the Governor for wasting tax dollars on this. I don't think the Governor will be paying personally. Maybe you can put that in the lawsuit, that the Governor pay out of pocket. The tax payers should not have to pay for STUPIDITY.
Your client wasn't arrested for posting the meme. He was arrested for tweeting that a lynch mob should hang the governor.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. One has to be more careful, but a talking to and a warning should have been enough.
I think what you do is AWESOME
Easy case! All you have to do is prove these three government officials violated the Constitution and we'll charge them with treason!
I find it strange that the law is written "with intent"… No one can ever definitively say what another persons intent is! Same with how I "feel" about something or someone! Laws require proof!
But, I would suggest, never give your real name on any website!
He should have added hash tag antifa. He would have magic guards and wards to keep him free of legal harassment.
"He didn't create this, he just shared it" along with his OWN written statement calling for the person to be publicly hanged. And calling for "lynch mob justice". Over a mask…lol Keep stoking those fires baby, good luck with that
Thank you sir , thank you very much for this information. So based on the 61-6-26 of WV , seeing the definition of "terrorist offense" 18.2-46.4/5 and HB 1601 "we the people" can start to do citizens arrest on all law enforcement officers. Is a felony so the citizens have , based on this status , the legal rights to perform citizens arrest when cops act “with the intent of instilling fear or intimidation in the individual against whom the act is perpetrated because of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability, or that is committed against such person for the purpose of restraining that person from exercising his rights under the Constitution or laws of this Commonwealth or of the United States”.
Based on this laws all law enforcement officers are terrorists , even the ones who don't participate fisicaly , the intent is enought to make it a fellony.
Is impressive how far some officials are willing to push the boundaries of the law. Citizens should do the same.
My what a limp lettuce leaf. Governor can't tàke forth right redress of government lol So were was the mob then? More miind movie then reality but it is the USA.
If there is political and social discontent in West Virginia,the police reaction is justified protecting the governor and other authorities.Eventually,the court will believe it was a meme,but the judge would prohibit him to have or send this type of material in the here after.It happened in other countries,so it could happen in West Virginia.Sometimes,through exaggerated 'jokes' somebody is telling the truth.Nobody knows.But jokingly menacing somebody because this and that, could be suspicious under certain circumstances.
I am not American, but the things he added to the meme sound pretty threatening to me. I think most civilized countries around the world would take that post as very threatening too. I usually agree 100% with you John, but on this one not so much.
If he takes it to a jury, would he beat it? This is what this country is coming to! Your state seems like a classic police state,
Keep making your clients rich!
Btw how has this gotten past the grand jury?
It is unconstitutional bc it limit political speech. Also void for vagueness.
But the corrupt officials will never be charged huh
When I was in the Far East on vacation, markets selling load of fake goods, including T shirts of that poster
They will be executed by due process! Watch and see.
Takes a minimum of 13 people to elect a sheriff. Hes not a sheriff. The poster is not authorized as real. Its no more than a cartoon.
I hope you get this guy off but he has to be some kind of nut for doing this.
I advocate for hanging politicians that break the law in a certain way too… but it shouldn't be a lynch mob, the sentence should come from a judge in an official court of law. But after that, hang em high.
Felony terroristic threat? More like free speech