French Cops Dont Kill their People like American Cops Do #Freedom #Constitution

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20 thoughts on “French Cops Dont Kill their People like American Cops Do #Freedom #Constitution”

  1. I am french,πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΅ i follow you since a moment and i like your videos but i can tell you that is not always like this. We are lucky that we don't have fire-arms like in america where you can buy a gun easily. Lots of french with Arabic origins or african origins die by police.
    From France πŸ‡¨πŸ‡΅

  2. I think we all aspire to be the kind of country where when a failure occurs and somebody dies because of it, we can attribute that specifically. Problem is, when we are attributing it someone, suddenly it's nobody's fault. Police are the only ones allowed to assist you in suicide, weird huh?

  3. Massive respect to French police! That woman would have been dropped as soon as the first cop arrived in America. The jail video is terrifying. Cops can't make quota stopping cars so now they harrass people on their bicycles.

  4. Yea…America really is a shithole…Break a leg on the streets of London or Paris and they will treat you and not ask for a penny…Do the same in NY or LA and you are about $18k in debt…..Land of the free…Yea ok…..

  5. Delete Lawz by Chilli de Castrated is the biggest joke i have ever seen.
    This gay is so stupid that even the idiot allianz is saying "No thank you he ist so stupid we don't want him in here!"

  6. In the US they'd shoot her then they'd all be kicking her in the face and the K9 unit would bring the dog in on the fun. And the cop that thinks the bicycle kickstand is a gun is way too incomprehensible to me..

  7. France as of 2021 had a population of 67.75 million (2021)
    The United States had a population of 331.9 million (2021)
    So that's about the same as California and Texas which is 66,343,804. Comparing France to the US is a joke. The people of France, the culture none of it is anything like America.

    French police killed 234 people from 2010 to 2019 not a very high number. That's great! Why though?
    French homicide rate
    Murder rate per 100,000 France 1.31United states 5, so more than 4 times the murder rate per 100,000 people. Rape rate France 16.2 US 27.3 69% more than France.
    Guns per 100 residents France 31.2 US 88.8 Ranked 1st. 3 times more than France. The reality is France is a poor comparison to the United states.

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