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Chillie you are just awesome!!and what you are saying is the truth…its hard for some folks to accept!!that weed was made illegal due to the threat to big bizz!!
This dude's a weird freak
Cool beans.
USA for The Earth
Keep Going You’re Helping Others Find Their Way As You Continue To Follow Your Own Truth
Them eyes so glazed you could be mistaken for a doughnut…don't get eaten by them piglets
Hanshaw and some pig goons caught on camera at the jail torturing a defenseless man in torture cuff and tied down to a chair. Piss of shit bag pigs

*Important* I’m Amber Fraley from power of attorney YouTube video. Please read! I sent you an email please respond.
Its illegal because the human masters said so
Absolutely epicness!! Thank you!!!
Happy late 420, I'd vote for you. Havent seen a pipe like that since 95, lol.
Kits hill Ohio
Marijuana is such a mild drug compared to alcohol which kills 3 million people a year world-wide.
Well after diagnosis, cancer, chemo, radiation, weeks of side affects, surgery, recovery from that, now immuno therapy treatments, then hopefully cancer free, not garonttied. And cancer doctors that prescribed the God made plant, or as I call it my meds. It helped me through it all. So far still more road to travel.
The Lawrence County prosecutor made a fascinating post on their Facebook today about bridging the gap between addicts, treatment providers and law enforcement. I’d send you a screenshot but idk your email
The damages done by the "marijuana" hoax are beyond comprehension.
All of these authoritarians are nothing but Gammas. The lowest of all the rest. Lower than Beta.
I'm from Michigan I will move to Ohio after you become Governor! WeThePeople! #overturnterry #endquilifiedimmunity
Bro. Real talk. I love you even more! Knowing you’re plant-friendly.
Also, I completely agree. Alcohol- alko-hol which means “spirits” is absolutely horrendous on the body. Especially the soul.
The body is actually made up on the endocannabinoid receptors. Basically, the body absolutely NEEDS a sort of medicinal cannabis and or CBD.
you are SUCH a loser. what a waste of space you are.
I lost my children in 2016, in Lawrence County Ohio. and because I smoked marijuana, no other drugs at all, ever, I was told that I couldn't have my children back. I haven't seen them since 2016. I have no hope left. I'm just done with life.
I have 2 DUI's for having pot in my system . Ohio is a no tolerance state so even know I wasn't high at the time i was driving I was charged because Marijuana was in my system even though they tested my levels… No tolerance I seriously have 2 DUI's in Ohio! Becareful Buddy!
Hi Chile look at this…. This made me sick
Damn, I smoke so much that I don't get as high as that. Awesome.
my friend’s brother got sentenced the DAY BEFORE pot went legal where they lived. He is finally getting parole but will still have to live with that leash around his neck meanwhile all his friends can openly smoke right next to him and walk into a supply store while he got years for merely supplying a tiny amount…sigh…idk if he is mature enough yet to not smoke with his friends…He was barely an adult when caught.
Sorry Chile
but you're a fraud you had me at hello but you're a manipulator a narcissist and I know this cause I am but you just have opinions of how you interpret things law is not law but protects weak people from nobody
cannabis is a drug addiction and does impair you as we just watched you change personality
good luck in you're venture but you will never be Governor you're true self and the powers
that be will not allow it you're not one of the .001 % the people that control power I'm The Daniel to you Cheech and Chong on steroids come out …coming out of the closet guy
good show brother
My trifold came in last week. Lots of education on that small paper!!!! Thankzzzzzzz
Put your glasses on that would not happen think about it can't blame your shaky hand this time I'm still going to watch you Faithfully did not offend me at all we're all glad we don't have to see you through your cracked screen now stay cool