some backstory would be nice but either way that man is handicap and was not being violent at that time they should have let him pay and be on his way you don't want to trigger people like this
It's amazing how many people in the comments refer to his rights. You are in the United States of America. You don't have rights. None of us are free and nobody is coming to save us. So they throw 100k his way to make it go away. He got paid from taxpayers, not the guilty aggressors. He has to pay his attorney 33% off the top plus expenses. But he has to pay taxes for the 100k. He will be lucky to see 35,000 of that. Then his disability payments will get screwed because he earned too much. Yeah, he got abused and then robbed by the system. He lost all the way around.
Everyones bitching at the idiot cops but what about the shit bag target employees who called them instead of helping this yound man wtf
What's wrong with these cops man get them off the force
some backstory would be nice but either way that man is handicap and was not being violent at that time they should have let him pay and be on his way you don't want to trigger people like this
all that because he tried to buy a bike. Those Officer need to go to prison and the Target manager needs to be fired. Shameful
Police are trash.
The target employee who called is a target. If it got a cop fired no doubt they seek revenge.
Says full video linked in comments. WHERE?!?!?
Boycott target
What was the problem? Dude had money.
It's amazing how many people in the comments refer to his rights. You are in the United States of America. You don't have rights. None of us are free and nobody is coming to save us. So they throw 100k his way to make it go away. He got paid from taxpayers, not the guilty aggressors. He has to pay his attorney 33% off the top plus expenses. But he has to pay taxes for the 100k. He will be lucky to see 35,000 of that. Then his disability payments will get screwed because he earned too much. Yeah, he got abused and then robbed by the system. He lost all the way around.
And here we have just another reason why people don't like the police…
Why were badges ever given to these men and I say men loosely.
This is what is wrong with this country, police don't provide protection they only work for the corporation! Not the people.
Cops don't become violent sociopaths, violent sociopaths become cops.
Most cop's are trash
This guy was arrested because security felt he was takeing ti long to pay for the bike. Everyone involved needs jail time.
For the police to wonder why anyone would trust them in today's world is fucking insane.
So target is okay with protecting trans but not other mentally handicapped people?
Dropping charges isn't enough in this case. Those "officers" should be charged.
Fkg tyrants always getting away with dodgy
the Mayor must be so proud
Criminals with badges
Hope he got a lawsuit and get it started you are going to get paid
Sick & twisted AF.