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1# i am ingreensburg indiana where i still live .!'
Have no problem with my name out there.
Thanks for teaching us. I'm from NH and yes lived in Youngstown Ohio for 10 years. I'm always chilled Chile
Wednesday the gun was planted by the passenger side and Thursday it was planted by drivers side.Which one is the now the official version ?
1 nj
New sub recomended by ArchAngel4Truth
Auditor assaulted, facing 3 charges,
BCI Bureau of Corrupt Investigations
Love me some Chille’
Hi Chille, david from Smithfield NC expresses thanks for all of your hard work.
The worrying thing is the fact cops are carrying illegal guns around in the patrol cars intentionally and for the purpose of framing a innocent man when they screw up and murder someone
Someone should be advocating for a separate entity that can randomly search patrol cars at random.
This is a very very worrying situation that cops are doing this and probably knowing they will be backed by the chief.
Watching this case very closely
I don't understand why the nay sayers andbootlickers keep following you jut to try and convince people that already know the whole system is evil. If they can't stand you they should just stay away, and go put some more brown on their noses.
hello sir,can you imagine if a story leaked out from North Korea that police had murdered a civilian in the street it would be all over the MSM in America yet its happened in Broad daylight in your country and let's see how that goes, never stop and respect from Glasgow, Scotland

A pig just tasserd a girl for having 50 cents for a bus and anthor woman 61 had her arm broken just for filming pigs
Yes, thank you Chille for calling out them filthy dirty pigs BCI, and calling them trash. They all will burn in hell, I agree. We all need to call out these people.
This guys on way too much and the acting like he has a finger gun is stupid. JMO
I missed your videos live today I was working all day but trying to catch up now. Love your hair cut looking sharp! you deserve to do things for yourself. Your awesome helping Christy and her family. I have been thinking about them so much.
61 yr old
Gets her arm
why is the cop not visible that leaned in to the car from the other side from the first video filmed from far off ?
Audit the audit would probably give the cops a B+ in that gun plant video.
Watching from Tyler tx.
Tried hard but couldn’t find THE PREMIERE. Tried like hell…was I alone???
Where is the video?
Taking of my freedom 726 2020 now my land help
Az 6. 54 32500 lien from yavappi zoning taking of my land
what the fack is going on ?
7 of my comments have been deleted
17:17:37 TICKA TICKA TICKA TICKA sound of gun rattling in the foot board ,captain makes his way from the window of james car !
Man that's alot of work.
I could hardly believe what these cops did. I didn't think normal people could do these things. Now I know how bad and evil cops are. All at the scene should be charged with Murder including the one who edited the video.
So sorry for the family of this young man who was MURDERED! Prayers for you all!!!!
Watching from N.C.
Lackluster is a patriot and so are you- He tells a hell of a story- he could be working as the voice guy on anything- He is like mile Rowe in that way-
Hey Chili, from Tennessee, watching from Sacramento.
1 From Tennessee, watching from Sacramento.