Hidden Camera shows Lawrence County Sheriff Deputy J. Spoljeric attacking Kent Freeman in his home

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32 thoughts on “Hidden Camera shows Lawrence County Sheriff Deputy J. Spoljeric attacking Kent Freeman in his home”

  1. Everyone needs to film the police because they are criminals in disguise, if you're under the delusion that that's not true then just keep watching these types of a videos because cops brake the law all the time, they're nothing but a legalized gang of thugs that need to be shut down fast before they kill more people

  2. I found where Kent's law suite against the county and the officer is still ongoing, however I could not find anything on the charges against Kent. Do you have an update?

  3. Those punk btch pigs need a good east Tx stomping. Trespassed into his house, assaulted him and was pretty much just a stupid lil btch and needs some manners stomped into him. Scaredy cat lil btch scared of gun shots but he feels tough with his gun. Lying btch said he wrestled with him…..that btch walked into that man's house and immediately shot him with a tazer. Punk azz scared lil btches want to be cops so they can feel tough. Coward pig is all he is.

  4. Wow I'm only halfway through and I'm getting sick this is absolutely disgusting I didn't know that law enforcement quot was supposed to abuse and call citizens' names wow just speechless

  5. This is absolutely atrocious disgusting and so many more words that I can't say or I may be blocked but it's not right and I'm glad you came here and you did get something done amen chili thank you

  6. Chilli I am so glad that you came here and helped and devoted your free time, the scumbag in this video needed to resign this is not the only thing that he was involved in that was considered inappropriate
    Where's Waldo south point, oh

  7. Classic case of retaliation for exercise of rights, using a dangerous weapon, under color of law. A felony punishable by ten years in a federal prison.

    Then there’s home invasion without exigency or warrant, while armed with a firearm, which is a state-level felony.

    All of it captured on high resolution video. But no charges for the psycho cop who actually committed crimes on video – yet the victim was charged and convicted, despite the video proving he broke no laws?

    Clearly, the rule of law is dead. At least in that county.

  8. I have multiple stories that have not been heard. Lawrence County sheriff's department and the whole system is the most corrupt system I've ever seen. You have know rights they literally do what they want . We the people need to come together.

  9. where do this cop lives ? name and address please, do he have kids, is he married, name of his wife please, where his kids go to school (work) where he hangs around in free time , all info welcome

  10. Chillie, as someone that deals with addicts in different states, I can say that states with drug court are an awesome alternative to putting addicts in prison. I’ve seen minor possession charges end up with an addict getting a suspended sentence to complete rehab, and a state like Nebraska put people in prison for a year for a minor possession charge. There definitely shouldn’t be a conflict of interest and I believe there probably is some corruption in ironton, but on a whole I believe it’s better to provide treatment instead of prison. My son in Virginia is looking at 2 years in prison for having 2 Percocet pills, each one a felony. I would prefer they offered him rehab, but Virginia doesn’t have that option.

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