Hollywood #Audit Almost Turns Into Street Brawl

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36 thoughts on “Hollywood #Audit Almost Turns Into Street Brawl”

  1. Both those guys should have thier ass beat. America needs to educate its people . Most seem ignorant. The homie at the end really needs a good leson from chilli. Too bad there are fools like that when chili is just sticking up for his rights. What a punk

  2. Rookies are the most dangerous and useless cops; the cops should have just told them to pour them out but no they have to handcuff them and ticket them. Just shows law enforcement is a a money making activity.

  3. @DeleteLawZ This man sent me his digital trifold for free,as a citizen who has been victimized several times by law enforcement i personally appreciate DeleteLawz mission,and share in EVERYONE of his sentiments! When i say thank you for what you do that is man to man words!

  4. there are so many little brainwashed kids from the dumb you down system. teaching communist ways to our kids that almost half of America is ok with or actually want communism. i would have pounded that punk so hard his kids would've been born nervous.

  5. This has to be one of the most cringest, craziest and confusing videos. I seen of yours yet. Simply because here you are filming the police, who currently have 2 individuals detained ( making them the third party). And out of no where a clown gets involved (4th party) tries fighting you and supposedly holding it down for the Mexican people. 😂 I denounce him from all good and hard working intellectual American Mexicans. And just when you thought it was over, a 5th party shows up and plays the cringe 2000. And just when you thought you ran him off, the fucking 4th party shows back up. Wow.
    What a night you had Mr Sir.

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