Homeless Vet BEATEN in Colorado Over License Plate | Needs HELP

DETAILS/Raw Footage: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2022/12/15/homeless-vet-brutally-beaten-by-colorado-springs-police/

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35 thoughts on “Homeless Vet BEATEN in Colorado Over License Plate | Needs HELP”

  1. Again, cops think that 3 cops beating the hell out of a citizen , who cannot hit back , that this is a fight. Sorry cops but a fight is when you are able to hit back, it’s also generally a one on one type thing. What hero’s these cops are. I hope they got a medal for bravery. We always hear about how dangerous traffic stops are. Maybe stop doing them unless you have a valid reason.

  2. There was a time when I admired, and respected law enforcement, the police were brave men who would try to de-escalate bad situations, and used discretion and common sense to do their job. They would without hesitation walk straight into dangerous situations and meet them head on, true Heroes. Now, law enforcement has no sense of civic duty, no sense of discretion, no sense of humanity and operate with intent to terrorize, intimidate and police the general public with brutal and unmerciful tactics. They are not Heros, they are not public servants, they are not interested in de-escalating any encounter they make every encounter way worse than it has to be. They police with the knowledge they will not suffer any real consequences for whatever criminal offences they commit, they enforce their own laws, real or imagined, they do so driven by ego, and sinful pride, with no respect for civilians, they lie, they manufacture charges, the turn off body and dash cameras when they are inclined to commit crimes against civilians, they refuse to release video footage that shows them commiting crimes and when they cant avoid being caught, the use the privilege of self accountability to eventually say, we found no wrong doing on the part of our officers. Well of course they dont, NIETHER DID THE NAZI WAR CRIMINALS, EVEN WHEN THEY WERE CAPTURED AND BROUGHT TO TRIAL BY THE GENEVA CONVENTION AFTER WW2, THEY ROUTINELY STATED THEY WERE CARRYING OUT ORDERS, AND DIDNT FEEL THAT THEY HAD FONE ANYTHING WRONG. THAT SHOULD PRETTY MUCH SUM UP WHAT LAW ENFORCEMENT THINKS, AND WHY THEY THINK IT. HOW LONG ARE WE GOING TO LET THIS GESTSPO, THIS SS THESE NAZI'S GET AWAY WITH WHAT THEY ARE DOING?

  3. And once again, you see how they are all lurking around, justifying their actions, patting each other on the back, with crap-eating grins on their faces. They don't believe they've done anything wrong. Disgusting!!!

  4. Dalvin Gadson is such a sweet guy. A veteran and was homeless then. I found his gofundme and donated. He thanked me via email. The lawsuit is ongoing. I can't imagine the horror and pain he suffered. His gofundme updates include his insta.

  5. To be fair, he was beaten up bc he refused to comply and jumped back in his car. The beating may have been excessive .. but he wasn’t beaten up for the plate violation. Cop doesn’t know if he has a gun or if he wants to harm himself or the cops. He was acting erratic, trying to get out of the car as he admitted when he said he wanted to talk to the cop when the cop asked why he was getting out of his car.

    FYI … I think cops these days are abhorrent and pathetic. Again, I agree, this WAS excessive force … I was just disagreeing with the title.

  6. I kinda think new militias need to be formed and patrols need to be initiated to intervene violently if necessary to defend against police brutality. If we can't count on judges and government officials to rein in their STATE SPONSORED TERRORISTS

  7. We the pupils!! @ 0:17, Plates means LICENSE plates. An annual rental FEE is charged for the use of those "plates". We the pupils, The PEACE OFFICER is asking to SEE ID. This MEANS the Peace Office is demanding 2 C a picture ID document issued to the inferior SUBJECT to make sure the INFERIOR SUBJECT has been granted permission from a SUPERIOR AUTHORITY to use the "Motor Vehicle" (hereafter M.V.) that belongs to the State. Let me explain. Registering the "Motor Vehicle" with/to the State includes paying the State a certain amount to make the State the true owner, AND the State in return bestows upon U the Inferior Subject what is called an equitable interest in the M.V.! U also need PERMISSION from a SUPERIOR AUTHORITY TO USE THE STATE OWNED M.V.! UNLESS U R ALSO PHYSICALLY BLIND & IF YOUR IQ IS ABOVE 60 U SHOULD BE ABLE TO SEE & UNDERSTAND BY THE LAWFUL DEFINITION OF LICENSE!! R YA READY? DIG THIS PEONJ PAWN!! License Defined. License is a Government issued picture/photo ID document of evidence of permission granted by a superior government authority to citizens to engage in an activity which is otherwise unlawful without permission from the superior government authority, and after the superior government authority is paid a sum of money for the permission. Some activities that require a license issued by a superior government authority include fishing; hunting; marrying; operating a motor vehicle." Hey PUPIL/PEON/PAWN!! DO U HAVE A GOVERNMENT ISSUED LICENSE? WHO IS IT ISSUED FROM?"? WHO IS IT ISSUED TO?? GET THE PICTURE?? We the pupils!! RIGHTS WERE CONVERTED INTO BEING GOVERNMENT GRANTED PRIVILEGES THAT COST MONEY AND ANNUALLY,AND SUBJECT TO RULES, REGULATIONS, etc. OF GUHMUNT!!

  8. Cops are all criminals, the lowest form of life. Any cop who beats a man who causes no threat to them needs to be fired. It's a status thing for cops to come back to their office and brag about the beat up another criminal. Qualified immunity must be abolished.

  9. Those cops were just messing sure he would have the money to never be homeless again after that brutality. Holy crap it was bad. I lost count of the punches and they punched like 15 more times after I lost count. Wow that was ugly.

  10. They beat the shit out of him. Don't watch it.
    How the hell do cops expect people to "out their hands behind their back" while completely covered by multiple people and likely dazed from the beating? Cops are just dying to beat people.

  11. The fact that these "law enforcement officers" weren't imediately arrested as soon as the video was seen by anyone is proof of how incredibly corrupt and anti-law our government, from top to bottom, has become.

  12. Those pigs were huffing and puffing and blew the life out of that wolf down. I scared of freedom. Much better to get the shit kicked out of me. What do you mean deal with it? That is resistance and evading arrest.

  13. This cop was pizzed off bc he couldn't make a "legal" arrest on these 2 guys and wanted some action that day so they fabricated a reason to arrest him. I'm so sick of seeing these beatings on innocent civilians. I checked his go fund me and as of 8/23/23 he has almost $81k and has hired an atty and his case is moving forward.

  14. I have CP, but was able to work, and drive a car with a manual clutch. However, my question is this. No way i could ever pas a field sobriety test. Just couldn't because of my disability. What would have happened to me?

  15. The absurd reasoning behind police charging Mr. Gadson with assault on law enforcement is that the law enforcement involved in the arrest got hurt beating him. In essence, it is "his fault" that his head and other body parts were so hard/boney that they left bruises on law enforcement's hands, arms, etc., as they used excessive force to relentlessly beat him as he pleaded for them to stop to comply with their demands.

    The more charges they pile on, the more likely they can get a plea deal out of him by promising that if he pleads guilty to some of the lesser charges, the big ones will be dismissed, then they will then use his guilty plea against him in his civil lawsuit as a way to quash any large payouts he could have gotten if all had been dismissed.

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