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47 thoughts on “HOW TO: 1st Amendment Audit – REVOKE CONSENT; UNITED STATES VS WILLIAMS, 2018”

  1. Thousands of warrants with NAMES and ADDRESSES in the cars computer AND they’re ALL setting on the side of the road writing tickets hoping to accidentally catch a REAL criminal.

  2. i want it required every cop to have a law enforcement license and any complaint against that license makes it so that cop cant directly deal with the public until cleared by a third party investigation and all cops should know the local city county and state laws and be tested monthly

  3. The Trust is collapsed-
    Is this why more and more people are now charging their Public-servants/paid Trustees whenever they want you to DO something for them? 
    Them-`GIVE me your id` – `ANSWER our questions` – `DO what we tell you to do` – etc., 
    You-`YES, CERTAINLY (there is now an agreement to comply/accommodate them) it`s just that we charge you $911 for remedy to DO that for you and because we have NO CONFIDENCE with you administrating OUR Trust, payment must be with us immediately and any further communicating with us, is with you and your supervisor accepting the terms and conditions because notice-to-agent-is-notice-to-principal`
    Please remember that THEY are NOT volunteers….so why should YOU be?
    The secret to dealing with your paid Trustees/Public servants is just two words….CONDITIONAL acceptance 
    Why not be the (polite) BUSINESS-man with your treacherous Trustees….NOT the victim?

  4. Good job and wise confrontation knowledge. Unfortunately, though it educates us, unless the upper Administration is held accountable nothing will change. Public protection, assistance and enforcement of laws are, to them, a reason to power trip and break rules knowing they will have immunity and support from the highest in their administration. My heart goes out to the few who operate as proper law enforcement, and utter discontent for those who deem a badge is a permit to violate rights and operate as a tyrant in a WE the people earned country. Fight the good fight, however, I don't see an end or change anytime soon.

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