How to Best Protect Children and New Excessive Force Lawsuit – Freedom is Scary No. 55.5

#ForTheChildren #SaveOurKids #ConstitutionalLaw

Make sure to check out the important safety article just posted to

Also, since it’s fine to talk about the police, check out this new federal civil rights lawsuit we just filed. An interesting and brutal case, with photos of the injuries I personally snuck out of the jail.

I play the banjo 26:05
New excessive force civil lawsuit: 29:22
Photo of client from surveillance camera after arrest: 42:30
Video of my sneaking video of client in jail lawyer meeting room: 43:58
Details on the specific counts in the lawsuit: 52:46
Q&A from live chat about the case: 1:00:00


43 thoughts on “How to Best Protect Children and New Excessive Force Lawsuit – Freedom is Scary No. 55.5”

  1. Just discovered your YouTube channel about two months ago and have Bing watch trying to catch up with your videos. Every one I've watched is Eexcellent. I agree 100 % with your views in this video. Keep up the great work. And the golden colored liquid you are consuming looks delicious, I hope it's what I think it is.

  2. Children's t-shirts and the great health benefits from wearing them , are there any new judgments thereof . People who talked about don't like in the colors or design have known to have all kinds of incidents and even end 6 👠 under.

  3. Calling a mask a "diaper" is pretty goofy since you can NOT breath through a diaper and N95 masks or better are known to reduce (NOT eliminate!) transmission.
    One video shows a guy wearing 10 masks and running around a track, so there is ZERO restrictions on breathing!

  4. One of the things about YouTube presenters is rambling. Please get to the point. Information needs to be precise and to the point. If you come across rambling we get a short attention span.

  5. Dear Mr Bryan I grew up in a communist country in a decedent family where my father had been arrested tried convicted and served in prison for speaking against injustice. But i can tell you we have never been treated by the police in a way that i see police in America treats people regardless weather they have or have not committed a crime! This is very alarming and disturbing to me! This is just an other of many things that show the deterioration and erosion of American democracy!
    You made a statement "We are a free country" I am not so sure that is the case any more. I sure feel worst then when i lived in my native back then communist country ! I feel that We the people have rights on the paper but good luck getting that enforced. I feel that elected officials dont work in peoples best interests regardless what party they belong to… I feel that Police is out of control…
    I agree with you that the government should do things… sure… but the problem i feel is is that most is not all elected officials specially on a federal level almost always side with big business instead with people and what is the best for the country.
    Mercer County Sheriffs deputies involved in this case are in my opinion nothing short of terrorists and sadist in a uniform! ! !
    Your client Dallas was right to fight for hes life! I believe if he didnt fight he might have been killed!
    First the cops assaulted him, then they vandalized hes vehicle. He believed that they wanted to kill him rightfully in my opinion! He sure is lucky to be alive! They beat him unconscious because he was running for hes life and cops were scared he might get away! They cant have that! ! ! This was in my opinion on two occasions an attempted murder ! In my opinion if a citizen did this to an other citizen i would not be surprised to see such charge!
    Great Job on explaining! Love your videos! ! !

  6. Where is the public outcry? Where is the mass public outrage for this vile beating? Where is beeLemm and auntie-pha to back up this poor man? I canNOT fathom why those groups are NOT rallying behind this poor victim of policy-enforcement violence! Why can't we all just get along?

  7. Many channels I watch have went to alternate platforms that have more freedom of speech than youtube, are also on Odysee and Bitchute. Apparently you can earn cryptocurrency from your channel activity on Odysee so even if a hater comes just to dislike your video you earn coin.

  8. My god. That man doesn't even look like a man. He looks like something that would attack you in a horror movie or video game. Those cops were probably high-fiving each other after beating him that badly.

  9. in ardmore alabama, i had a couple of officers put handcuffs on me, then pick me up and bash my head into the trunk of a car, while pretty much all of them on duty that night were around watching, they left me to bleed all night, the next morning i was covered almost completely in blood, in court the acting judge told me i wasn't allowed any defense at all, then the persecutor took me into a back room and made all sorts of threats and fake charges, always a good time

  10. BITCHUTE! it's about time you go there and start realizing all the content that you're no longer seeing any more.
    and I understand for those in the legal profession they want you to somehow believe that there are rules and laws in the United States that apply to everyone but that just is not the case.

    sure you can find things in court but remember how many instances have gone to the Supreme Court where they simply said well that's just our decision and we're not going to explain it.

    the true law of the land is who has the Firepower and ammunition in order to protect what they are and who or what they are trying to accomplish. When it comes to the citizen bottling the state remember we no longer live in a place where the people control the government but the People's Republic actually are in firm control.

    this has been reported on by project Veritas the epoxy times and other people….
    like it or not folks it's not the people that run our government anymore its people who are outside of our government or willing to go ahead and take the dollar bill in order to go ahead and get their needs met.

  11. What's the legality of allowing/denying camera in prison to document injuries? I realize practically they could probably drag out any legal process until he heals, but still in theory can they really prevent the lawyer from bringing in camera? Tape recorder? Pens and paper?

  12. Dr Fauci – he was sent to speak and preach to the masses so they WAKE UP and not blindly follow what is on tv and spoken by random government officials.

  13. What they did to us for a virus that’s has a 98% recovery, I’m very scared to think what they will do when a real serious virus hits like one with a 50% rate. Sooner or later a virus will come

  14. This is an angle that cannot be argued intelligently, why were we (humans) able to survive millions of years without mask mandates etc. I would also argue that it actually will compromise our ability to build our internal immunities. I don't think that there is any argument that we have survived before any government intrusion into our lives. It is so anti freedom which is what our country founded on "land of the free" is no longer true.

  15. There is a breaking point. I don't know where it is. But it is real. And, we are slowly but surely sneaking up upon it. I don't know what should or will happen. However the change is likely to be sudden and it may be potentially violent. I want a kind and thoughtful society.

  16. From the Book of Government…
    Thank God for Government & Corporate Restrictions! Without them, we would have NO FREEDOMS at All! What a Great Country… where NO Choice is now Your only Choice!
    Psalm 113 The Government Giveth nothing and the Government Taketh everything… blessed be the Government! For all power and force, belong to Government! The sheep shall kneel down, Shut Up, Obey, and Pay!
    Psalm 121 The Government shall control thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and forevermore. No Real ID; No Fly! No Vaccine Card; No Fly! No Mask; No Fly! 4 ounces of liquid; No Fly! Piss off the Government with your 1st Amendment; No Fly! Flying is now a Government Privilege reserved for the special people!

  17. The Biden Government is scheming, totalitarian, autocratic, Fascist, and evil to the core!
    The Sheeple need to take a hard Look at the REAL Enemy… the Government, Big Tech, MSM, & their Enforcers! They steal your Freedom and Liberty, your money, your property, your privacy, your dignity, your future!
    You are NOTHING but TAX CHATTEL! Everything is Illegal and is used as a vehicle for "Rights" Violations. YOU are nothing but a Government ATM… Follow the MONEY!
    The US Government (Republicans & Democrats) is in Bed with Big Tech & MSM… but they are Screwing You! Bend over and take it like a man!
    Democrats… Republicans… Left Wing… Right Wing! They are all the SAME… there is ONLY 1 Party! The "GOVERNMENT PARTY" and they are Partying Like Hell with your Money!
    Bend Over… the Government is sticking the Red White and Blue Star Spangled Warmongering Gun Control Gay Green Woke Weenie to YOU!
    Thank God for Government & Corporate Restrictions! Without them, we would have NO FREEDOMS at All! What a Great Country… where NO Choice is now Your only Choice!
    If you think voter ID is racist, but a vaccine passport is just fine, you need some serious help with critical thinking.

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