How to Deal With Being stopped by Cops + SolvingIronton dot com #WeDontStop

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41 thoughts on “How to Deal With Being stopped by Cops + SolvingIronton dot com #WeDontStop”

  1. On history channel I grew up learning about the Holocaust it’s terrible even my own people got killed it’s not good it’s terrible Hitler was a very terrible man Lucas stopple they were involved even certain doctors and nurses and midwives they didn’t have a choice but to help chill and abort babies .!'

  2. It's the criminal. Slave plantation,And I ain't in it ! The attorneys. The judges. And yes, probably the deputy sheriffs that are in the judge rooms are making money off the birth certificate accounts. There's two account numbers of your Social Security account and your birth certificate account. There's one on front and there's one on back. Now the red one is the actual account number, but the one on front is 2. My my birth certificate account. I calculated at 10% in the number of years that I. And worked, which was 30 years based on a. Reasonable speculation. And I thought. Yeah, my account had $30 million in it. But it had been re. Calculated again with a good friend of mine. And we found out they were pontificating. Our accounts on Brad and Wall Street. As high as. 20 to 30%, sometimes 40%. Every year. So that would make my account. $300 million in my account. Just for 30 years. So when I had. Gone into the courtroom every month, which was required of me. They would do this on purpose so that they would. I found out through well. A court clerk who types, she said that they make $50,000 for each person that comes in that courtroom. Well, that's based off the birth certificate count. So for every month I was going in there, they did that for two years. They made a. Half a million to $1,000,000 that year off of mine alone.

  3. You should really consider doing this with a cameraman in a news caster format. Show up on scene with a microphone and a cameraman. Early Geraldo Riviera style reporting for "1st amendment network". They won't know what to do with you!!!

  4. in canada, we use our passport, because the first page after the cover, explains to the child…err cop, what is duties are and that he must assist me in any way i require, because he took an oath to the queen , and must follow his oath

  5. You prove that judge is making money off putting people into for profit programs that he put people through…he goes to jail.

    I remember maybe 20 years ago a judge that got 20 years for doing exactly that…

  6. Ironton Ohio Police corruption ➡️➡️➡️↙️↙️
    Hanshaw and some pig goons caught on camera at the jail torturing a defenseless man in torture cuffs and tied down to a chair. Piss of bag pigs 🐷 🐷🐷🐷

  7. Chille it's nice to finally see someone helping the people of ironton. I was born and raised there but moved years ago to get away from the nonsense. I'm very familiar with what your exposing and it's about time someone has the courage to stand up. I'm behind you brother. It's not all bad in ironton but the bad out weighs the good for sure.

  8. Chillie. You can Use freedom of information act to find out the owners of all these businesss. I wish I could help. I’m down in Florida. Support You brother. Your standing up against Evil for the weak. Thank You. God is protecting You.

  9. One more COP " he had difficulty REMOVING his license from his wallet and he was NEVER able to able to locate his registration." He looked through paperwork that was in his glove box" I saw the paperwork drop and some of the paperwork fell into his lap and he tried reading it upside down". Chili is Right get your ID together!

  10. COP states " suspect was grasping for His ID with his fingertips against his palm"" suspect removed ID from his pants pocket and as he handed his ID to me he hung onto it EXTRA Long" COP ," I watched suspect as he removed ID from his coat and I had to pull it out of his hands". Some comments made on DUI stops! GET your ID together like Chili has stated.

  11. Omg. LOL. I just got introduced to you on a “Karen” video. You are my new favorite delusional idiot. Sooo self righteous. Sooooo stupid and misinformed. LOL!
    Narcissistic. Dumber than a box of rocks. Pointless. Delusional.

  12. Chilli is on it! He has a great understanding of law and is getting backup… Those of you who are either ignorant or purposely circumventing the law of the land are in for a rude awakening! As this country is being deliberately being taken down…the corruption is going to be called out!

  13. Your arrogance is just one of many reasons you are not married. You really work at being an A*****E is another, you think someone your age has learned by now it much easier to be nice. I have long hair, arms and legs completely tattooed. I can honestly say I'm always nice to police and firemen who are amazing heroes mostly and I always get treated the same way from them. Life is too short to act like you

  14. Hey Mr Delete Lawz. I’m not a fan of yours at all, but I listened to a live stream you had with Team Skeptic and some of of the things you said I agree with.
    So because of the fact that my son is black I wanted to know more history on black history such as slavery to activist and such. I wanted him to know his black history. Because I’m not black and his father wasn’t really a part of his life I wanted him to know as much as I could teach him. So when you talked about why police started was originally to capture black slaves and why certain laws began and why we still have them today. A lot of the laws were created to jail black men and women and I’m so glad you mentioned those things. My problem is how you president your self and your awful ways of “frauditing” or whatever it is that you do. Because of the fact that black people are so mistreated is because of the way our government has made laws to do so. So IMO, not that it matters, but I think you you should teach people that stuff. There are so many people that don’t know these things, not even black people. And because of the fact that white people stated all this, it has to be white people that are the one who are gonna have to end it. I don’t think you will ever be taken seriously by acting rude and crazy. I’m pretty sure I’m not saying these things the proper way, I just think you should go about it in a more sophisticated way. Talking to people like shit and going game is not the way.
    Anyways, that is just my two cents.
    Stay peaceful, and please leave the wonderful pOlice forces and the good people alone. You’re always gonna be looked at like a fool that way. I just had to get this off my chest.
    Try to stay safe out there.

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