I think your NEARLY getting it. The low number of likes on your vids is because most people are just hate watching you. Saw you provoking a sergeant on another vid calling him a coward saying he wouldn’t be brave without his badge & worse. All this KNOWING of course that he’s not allowed to engage you physically. How brave of you that was…not. I believe in oversight & excellent people like the Innocence Project & many others do good work on this issue. YOU DO NOT. You’re a rude, insulting & petty man trolling for $$ on YT leeching off of a serious issue to pad your wallet. You spend most of your time on your vids staring into your phone undeservedly admiring yourself. THIS IS WHY the likes are low. Instead of boasting about how many frivolous law suits you can file why not post how many you have won and any changes YOU PERSONALLY have brought about. I hear a lot about YOUR rights in your vids but what about responsibility & decency? I see none of that here.
Cops do not work for the public they work for Satan's butthole "Government n Big Corporations".all for revenue and to fill up the jails n prisons again for revenue. Big money". In doing so they are allowed to rape take and murder anyone they choose. There's no such thing as a good cop.
jesus christ dude if you have to do an explanation on how to get to your community tab that says a lot about your community. mostly that they are stupid as pig shit. IT'S LITERALLY RIGHT THERE! on your page! just tell them to go to your page and click community!! doesn't need a 5 minute explanation starting with "go to youtube"!! fucking hell…
Delete Laws is a CLOWN SHOW very funny to see this big girl run around with his head up his ass and disrespect real men with actual jobs. No clue about the Law or Constitution. Possibly just a grifter, with no life and no future. Needs serious help from professionals. Most of his subscribers are here to watch the comedy and see the train wreck. WHAT A WANKER…… LOL 😂😂🤣🤣🤪🤪
What an angry, entitled, arrogant and incredibly ignorant tosser!! You expect total respect from the cops but believe you have the right to talk to them and others with total disrespect!?? You are improving nothing and sharing with the world that you an annoying twat.. good job tosser
You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail!
It’s scary that you take yourself seriously. Hopefully you will one day break out of your delirium and see the truth of what a mean, narcissistic, ignorant, horrible person you have been.
I think your NEARLY getting it. The low number of likes on your vids is because most people are just hate watching you. Saw you provoking a sergeant on another vid calling him a coward saying he wouldn’t be brave without his badge & worse. All this KNOWING of course that he’s not allowed to engage you physically. How brave of you that was…not. I believe in oversight & excellent people like the Innocence Project & many others do good work on this issue. YOU DO NOT. You’re a rude, insulting & petty man trolling for $$ on YT leeching off of a serious issue to pad your wallet. You spend most of your time on your vids staring into your phone undeservedly admiring yourself. THIS IS WHY the likes are low. Instead of boasting about how many frivolous law suits you can file why not post how many you have won and any changes YOU PERSONALLY have brought about. I hear a lot about YOUR rights in your vids but what about responsibility & decency? I see none of that here.
Cops do not work for the public they work for Satan's butthole "Government n Big Corporations".all for revenue and to fill up the jails n prisons again for revenue. Big money". In doing so they are allowed to rape take and murder anyone they choose. There's no such thing as a good cop.
jesus christ dude if you have to do an explanation on how to get to your community tab that says a lot about your community. mostly that they are stupid as pig shit. IT'S LITERALLY RIGHT THERE! on your page! just tell them to go to your page and click community!! doesn't need a 5 minute explanation starting with "go to youtube"!! fucking hell…
We knew you were a narcissistic sociopath and an idiot, now we can add coward to that list as well.
Watch your back, Bitch!
Loser, please stay out of Michigan. You are the piece of garbage 🗑 🙄.
It said I could not see the community from my TABLET, Is this for PC only????
Waldo is awful😭😭
You ever think you might not have very many likes cause most people are here to laugh at your dumbass? Food for thought genius
Current 3231 Veiws and 306 likes. Most here just to laugh at the coward Big Girl Chilli fail hard.
Delete Laws is a CLOWN SHOW very funny to see this big girl run around with his head up his ass and disrespect real men with actual jobs.
No clue about the Law or Constitution. Possibly just a grifter, with no life and no future.
Needs serious help from professionals.
Most of his subscribers are here to watch the comedy and see the train wreck. WHAT A WANKER…… LOL 😂😂🤣🤣🤪🤪
i NeED vIeWZZZz !!
It's going to be AWESOME watching your beta bitch ass get arrested and tossed into jail.
Now seems like a great time to talk about gonzolas vs castle rock
You’re a Coward and keep running loser
How do I get to the community page?
How about getting him removed from the bench and his license to practice law revoked?
How dumb are your followers if they can't even find the Community Page tab?? Oh… and you"re a blatant liar as well.
Because you have 200 idiots that laugh with you, and 41,000 laughing AT you!!!!!
Please make sure you post when you meet sparky
What an angry, entitled, arrogant and incredibly ignorant tosser!! You expect total respect from the cops but believe you have the right to talk to them and others with total disrespect!?? You are improving nothing and sharing with the world that you an annoying twat.. good job tosser
You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail! You're going to jail!
wow in the last week people are all coming forward for those taking down internet abusers…. if you need a line or chain of evidence let me know
Are you REALLY giving a tutorial on the Community tab? Oh – this just gets better all the time. Coward and crazy!
But the Community doesn't work for tablets, only phones and laptops.
Your followers are just as Stupid as you.
It’s scary that you take yourself seriously. Hopefully you will one day break out of your delirium and see the truth of what a mean, narcissistic, ignorant, horrible person you have been.