38 thoughts on “I Don’t Answer Questions – Cop Retaliates #shorts”

  1. Most cops operate under the idea that they can subjugate the law and trick citizens into giving up their rights in order to make an arrest. Retired police vets have made these tactics known. That's what happens when they are given a quota for the month/quarter so that they can get the budget they need to pay salaries, paid by US! The system is set up by the public, to unfortunately work against the public, paid by the public.This is antithetical to the original idea. Sorry I don't have an answer just a complaint. I just know it's fuked and many people are paying for tickets they shouldn't be paying for, and worse, many are in jail for crimes that they didn't commit or shouldn't be crimes. Sometimes I wonder how we call ourselves a free nation.


  2. I should assault this useless idiot with some education on how the are allegedly educated on how to expect an interaction with a citizen vs an actual interaction with a citizen cops are useless if they don’t know and understand the law the need to have a vast knowledge of the the bust most importantly is the no law is above the US Constitution..

  3. BullSh!T… CO law states you must identify yourslef and confirm your address if stop lawfully (like every other state I believe). Not every license is up to date as far as address and such so an officer MUST confirm identifying information. A out of date reg is a lawful stop. If he did "beat both" its because of something like the cop did not show up or the prosecutor was too busy to move the case forward.

  4. Pig should have been immediately fired, if he was too stupid to know he was violating that man's rights or if he actually did it on purpose there's no excuse for violating someone's rights so blatantly, the only thing that will stop these pigs is hitting them in their checkbook and they're not going to stop until they start facing serious consequences for b.s. like this

  5. Intent: Place public servants throughout the city to serve and protect citizens.
    Actual: Said public servants form an ego gang of tyrannical sociopaths wearing entitled badges habitually violating their constitutional oath by way of ridiculous shakedowns and total disregard of actual law.

  6. If he had the person's driver's license why was he asking for his address? And I haven't been stopped all that often but I don't remember being asked my phone number. It might have been asked, but I sure don't remember it being asked.

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