Well done mate we need people like yourself to video these tugs hate cops bullie people with there power trips very few good cops out there but there is some and these corrupt cops make it bad for the good cops
You may not hate cops.. I surely don't like police officers for nothing. I'm pushing to shut down The Whole Police Force completely across America ! Let The Sheriff's department and The State Police handle what little crime is going on. You'll noticed I said ; what little crime is going on. I personally don't believe crime is anywhere as bad as the media says.
The good ones are few and far between… they do exist, and are appreciated, but the overwhelmingly bad ones are what ruins the publics trust in all police officers.
Just my observation look at the cops dress code in United States and look at the dress code around the world it's going to make you cry there are countries in this world we're police officers they don't carry guns what the f*** is going on in this country my grandfather when he got drunk driving home cops would stop him and drive him home safely not f**** DIY
Sir im afraid i have to tell you that your mother was robbed at gunpoint and then killed. If we could've gotten there a couple minutes earlier we might could have prevented it or at least get a look at him but we were being held up by a self proclaimed auditor just down the road. Sorry about your mother and sorry we were held up.
Obviously, these officers are going to require retraining.
I do
Well done mate we need people like yourself to video these tugs hate cops bullie people with there power trips very few good cops out there but there is some and these corrupt cops make it bad for the good cops
Dude should take his prosak.
F cops
You may not hate cops.. I surely don't like police officers for nothing.
I'm pushing to shut down The Whole Police Force completely across America !
Let The Sheriff's department and The State Police handle what little crime is going on.
You'll noticed I said ; what little crime is going on.
I personally don't believe crime is anywhere as bad as the media says.
Peace brother. Your objectivity is showing through. Fair is fair.
I Appreciate you stating and clarifying your position against BAD COPS and you Support GOOD COPS.
I only hate tyrants
I wish I could find someone to help me with the elderly abuse I suffered from the pigs, here in Georgia.
Get a job , you don't know the whole story. You hate cops and you're showing it. Wanker!
You should be in jail ,your like a cancer in our society
Agree 100% with u
cops like that gonna catch some 2a reloading materials before long.
I like the way you put that video together
You hate being held accountable because your dad was never around and your mom doesn't want to sleep with you anymore
I agree 100% percent I make my harsh comments on tyrants
The good ones are few and far between… they do exist, and are appreciated, but the overwhelmingly bad ones are what ruins the publics trust in all police officers.
"I don't hate cops"
"I don't hate all cops"
"Ok, this cop I hate." 😂
Just my observation look at the cops dress code in United States and look at the dress code around the world it's going to make you cry there are countries in this world we're police officers they don't carry guns what the f*** is going on in this country my grandfather when he got drunk driving home cops would stop him and drive him home safely not f**** DIY
Cops made in the image of God, cant hate them! Can hate every thing about them and the air they breath!
Why did white citizens let the police take over your country……because they were only killing Black people??????
Brush it off. word’s don’t hurt
Why is he even talking to them.
Sir im afraid i have to tell you that your mother was robbed at gunpoint and then killed. If we could've gotten there a couple minutes earlier we might could have prevented it or at least get a look at him but we were being held up by a self proclaimed auditor just down the road. Sorry about your mother and sorry we were held up.
I hate cops
This guy is a power tripping ego maniac.
I'll make sure to give Chilli a DIRECTIVE.