I Was Wrong.

Original Videos:
Travis Heinze: https://youtu.be/47F2CGZJqdg
Prosecutor: https://youtu.be/_AGwcAbeDr0

Thoughts of a Patrol Officer:

Submit your video: https://forms.gle/CUpEtoKF4cw7apur6

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50 thoughts on “I Was Wrong.”

  1. Original Videos:

    Travis Heinze: https://youtu.be/47F2CGZJqdg

    Prosecutor: https://youtu.be/_AGwcAbeDr0

    Thoughts of a Patrol Officer:


    Submit your video: https://forms.gle/CUpEtoKF4cw7apur6

    Other Channels – Social:

    The Odd Side – Paranormal and Theories:: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTSdgjy509mgNBfAa4MQ3gw

    LackLuster Limited – True Crime and Mystery: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtj-_HlsiOHIZpdjIWsFi_w

  2. Just watched the other video about the "thin blue area" today and there was nothing that corrected the mistake on that video. If I had not also decided to watch this video I would have never known. I understand that Lackluster apologized for the mistake, but no card or anything has been done to fix the issue, so he is still spreading this misinformation. Gotta say I love this channel, but if your going to make an apology for something, you should do so after you have fixed the problem.

  3. First, I like your videos, don't care if you say or post your name, don't care if you show your face, etc. besides your voice is soothing would like to hear you speak more in the videos. you do a GREAT job. thank you.

  4. Why would they put yes or no. If they only use this section if prior offense, would it only be an option to say yes? Curupt if it was any other citizen trust me we would be fined and probably jailed. Thanks for your honesty BTW ✌🇨🇦

  5. Chatted with you on FB a while back. I can say of the different characters on YT, there are very few I feel do things with true and honest intent and your channel is one of them.

    Curiosity did have me wondering what you looked like since I knew the voice so well.

  6. This is why annotations in videos need to come back. In the good ole days you could just put in small edits to your older videos so people watching those more popular videos could get the full picture.

  7. Congratulations on your honesty and accountability for your mistakes, something few law enforcement officers or public officials share.
    Glad you separate yourself from them.
    Honor, integrity and responsibility 👏

  8. I'll be praying for you and your family brother. Thank you for posting these video that educate the public. And thank you for your service, It is appreciated.

    🙏 † ❤️

  9. Right off the bat before we even get started notice how "Thoughts of a Patrol Officer" does not link to the video by Lackluster. An interesting choice given this video is about transparency and correcting a narrative in Lacklusters video.

    3:30 "Nobody knew this had happened:" – Yes, that is the problem. Where is the misinformation in Lacklusters video?

    4:06 "It wasn't news by the time it became news" – I wonder if Thoughts of a Patrol Officer thinks about the things he says. A prosecutor charged OVI is certainly news. They also post other OVIs that plead guilty so by their own actions their omission of this story from their timeline is hypocritical.

    4:41 "You can't compare the two" – no argument is provided to justify this statement. Lackluster is making a comparison of police behavior in general. He never claimed they were the same department in fact later in the video he will explicitly state they are similar as in not identical.

    5:48 "Prisoner transport doesn't mean prisoner transport" – Besides providing zero evidence for this claim even if we take you at your word it does not negate Lacklusters statements.

    9:27 "a judge in the state of ohio is not going to sign a warrant for a blood draw unless that person has committed and or has caused an accident that cause serious physical harm to another person or if this is a repeat offender felony ovi if it's basically i mean there might be some other exceptions but for the most part if you don't have those that criteria met you're not going to get a warrant for a blood draw and that's the way it is in the state of ohio" – Once again zero evidence or citation for this outrageous claim. While it may very well be true this is the practice of Columbus OH police it is not the letter of the law as the law is written. While prior to 2017 warrants were not required at all for blood tests SCOTUS ruled this unconstitutional and required a warrant for blood samples. The law requires "probable cause" for a judge to issue a warrant for a blood draw. Under Section 4511.19 and 2933. It is HIGHLY unlikely that a judge given the circumstances of this case would decide there was insufficient probable cause. While Thoughts of a Patrol officer lists many things he believes are required when reviewing OH law this lists seems to be entirely fabricated whole cloth out of his opinion rather than actual law.

    11:38 "The the officers were not able to compel any more tests because he didn't have any prior ovis and he did not cause serious physical harm to another person" – The police choose not to pursue a warrant for blood draw. There was more then enough probable cause to request such a warrant. Neither previous ovi's or physical harm to another person are listed as requirements for granting a warrant to draw blood. The warrant may or may not have been granted but we will never know as it was the decision of the police not to pursue the warrant.

    12:15 "When you are driving your car and you fail to control your car and you crash into something the fail to control is the charge you get for damaging that property" — unless you are also committing other crimes in the process. This is where the preferential treatment of not pursuing a warrant for a blood draw becomes important and why the police wanted to avoid requesting such a request. Here is the slippery logic that reveals exactly how disgusting these officers behaved. According to https://ohio.staterecords.org/ovi OVI is a criminal offense but requires a BAC of .08 percent or higher resulting in a suspension of 1 to 3 years. Refusing to get a warrant for a blood draw means no BAC level can be established which means you can't charge him with OVI. Under Ohio Rev. Code § 4511.19, a first OVI occurs when someone operates any vehicle while impaired, and their blood alcohol content (BAC) exceeds .08 percent. In addition to incarceration and fines, first OVI offenses come with several months of probation, community service, mandatory ignition interlock device, and driver's license suspension. Notice it does not say "or" the BAC is greater than 0.08. In Ohio, a first OVI is a first-degree misdemeanor UNLESS it resulted in another person's death, serious bodily injury, OR property damage. Notice how it is a misdemeanor unless those things occur and how property damage is listed here as an "or" not as an "and" but was removed from Thoughts from a Patrol Officers list but was specifically cited by Lackluster at 3:05. Whereas when "Thoughts of a Patrol Officer" discusses the destruction of property at 12:12 he discusses it absent the presence of OVI. The dishonesty and misleading characterization of this by "Thoughts of a Patrol Officer" are exactly the kind of duplicities behavior at issue in this case.

    17:29 "The lackluster guy who is nameless and faceless" Lackluster is hosted by DaleHiller who lists his name in all videos. Additionally prior to his diagnosis of facial skin cancer Mr. Hiller hosted all his video showing himself on camera.

    17:37 "he keeps bringing up this stupid case from loveland colorado that's cherry picking" – Lackluster covers police stories from across the nation and has many example on his channel. While he may only cite this one specific example in the video it does demonstrate his point which is not the straw man argument you are attempting to substitute for his point. Lackluster is making a comparison across police in general not specific to this department. Lackluster specifically says this at 17:50 saying "they are somewhat similar" not that they are identical. You admit this at 17:53 acknowledging that you paused it too soon but then carry on as if all your previous staw manning carries weight for the points you've made.

    18:26 "there's no point in taking someone to jail for a misdemeanor" – again it is only a misdemeanor because the officer refused to obtain the warrant necessary to secure a felony charge despite likely having probably cause and leaving that determination up to a judge.

    18:39 "You cannot just go get a warrant for a blood draw in this case i already covered that he didn't injure anybody and he doesn't have prior ovis no judge is going to sign a warrant for that that" – once again Thoughts of a Patrol Officer is substituting his opinion with zero evidence or citation while omitting the property damage in the cause for probable cause of a warrant. He goes on to state that is how police officer are trained in Ohio but provides once again zero evidence to back or support this claim and I can find nothing in my search to support this assertion.

    21:26 "i don't include people's names in any of my my videos i take them out" – an interesting approach for someone defending police accountability but furthermore it is a lie. In video from Apr 14, 2022 found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jRO-vVM2Fc you state at 0:20 the man you're looking at there from the body worn camera image is a guy named Sabbat Islam" So yes in fact Thoughts of a Patrol Officer does use names when it fits his purposes.

    22:42 "i'm an honest and a moral guy" – As I've demonstrated above it appears Thoughts of a Patrol Officer is anything but from what I can tell in this video.

  10. I still want a PUBLIC statement from MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) on this incident. He prosecutes DUI offenses so I am certain he's on first name basis with a few of the,. Lets hear what they have to say.

  11. Judge Owsley is a disgrace.
    Judges in NJ never get removed. Judge Lisa Firko lies on the bench. Many people have complained about her and the state still has not removed her yet and charged her. NJ has no credibility from a citizen perspective as long as they keep crooked Judges like Firko around.

    Judge Lisa Firko in NJ had corrupt conduct in the court and was reported to the NJ Supreme Court on Judicial ethics. What did they do? Nothing. These judicial ethics boards are a complete joke and a big part of the corruption. Time for Federal oversight.

  12. LACKLUSTER – I need to find your email address. YOU NEED TO LOOK INTO COLORADO. Colorsdo police have no QUALIFIED IMMUNITY. Why would they be given qualified immunity? None in Colorsdo! They need to have their pension gone after.

  13. you go off the info you have at the time and change/correct as more info comes in … you did absolutely nothing wrong … FUCK Mr. Clean over here for trying to ruin your rep and channel

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