1. Why don't why does it seem impossible for the cops to correctly do their job and uphold our constitutional rights? Are they made of clay I mean their brain? There are accountable for their crimes

  2. There's the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.
    Letter of the law means that the law is strictly applied in accordance with the literal meaning of the statute, leaving no room for interpretation. Spirit of the law means that the law is applied in accordance with the intent of the legislature and not in literal compliance with the words of the statute. If our forefathers saw and heard what this piece of 💩 was acting. They would change the law

  3. You must have little man syndrome you are nothing without that camera you talk alot but ive never seen any action which only proves your mouth is bigger than you really are thanks for proving that you are the weakest link LOL😂

  4. Any living being human or not is a threat to every single pig there is no good porky or they would be arresting their own to make examples of the laws they supposedly enforcing but they don't all. American citizens are at war against the pig departments and no one will do anything to house train the pigs so they just get more ammo more protection and immunity all while stealing money and begging for money then killing as many Americans as they can even nazi wore all black and didn't want Germans to have any power against them can't report a pig because the chief pigs do the investigating and almost all complaint are never invested the military police need to do investigation against all pigs big and small not another pig

  5. Why are all this jerks videos show after the police arrive? Why does someone have to call the police on him ? Who cares if you appreciate or not, you are causing problems wherever you go. So, time to go to jail.

  6. Oh no! It’s the ‘I’m a constitutional scholar ‘ bore again. He keeps turning up like a bad Penny. Has he heard of preventing a breach of the peace? His actions and especially his hysterical mode of speech could quite easily cause a breach of the peace. His perpetual state of anger and agitation when ever he sees a Constable would make a very interesting study. His ego is bigger than the building. But ,then,he is, after all, a ‘ constitutional scholar’

  7. This one was strange. She was interactive and asking questions and being friendly. She agreed with most everything he was chating about. Then she switched within seconds turned into a tornado. Yelling and screaming. Weird

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