If it’s not on camera: You’re Guilty. If it’s on camera: You should sue bc the cops lied

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40 thoughts on “If it’s not on camera: You’re Guilty. If it’s on camera: You should sue bc the cops lied”

  1. Dad got a camera ticket. Dad said, 'Rocky, do that thing you do'. The camera showed that dad entered the intersection on, 'red', by about 8 feet @ 20 mph. I told the judge, 'Not Guilty and 7th Amendment by reason of the difference between the letter of the law verse the INTENT of the law'. The judge dismissed the case against my dad………… : )

  2. The police officers in michgan tried to get ready to arrest me and charge me and put me into the back of the police office officers police car and that goes aginst the 1860 law .!'

  3. Chille does not have Mods to quell/delete your thoughts and opinions. His mods know that YT and other platforms are not public. That peeps will comment to hush his knowledge that ticks others off. He appreciates your freedom of speach

  4. The title of the video… 😂😂😂 if you’re caught doing something illegal and it’s on camera, then it’s just that. Illegal. Same thing without a camera.

  5. Just so you know those guys who go on killing sprees are not crazies. They are victims of non stop 24/7 until death wireless electronic harassment torture programs ( patented remote neural monitoring, voice to skull and direct energy weapons). These victims are you and me, you are just not aware of it. Not all of us would kill random members of public, the smarter ones kill members of the government. We can't all be blessed with a normal thinking brain, so people just do things differently but they are all victims of non stop covert secrete no touch no proof wirless harasment and torture non stop all day all night until death. How would you crack? Is the question. A run in with a crooked cop and a few balony sandwiches is the least of some people's problems, although still very important what you are doing. A stepping stone.

  6. how true it is.the judge yelled at me right off the bat,she thought I had my phone on.and I didn't?? the defendant lied so much that the judge sent the case to a higher court.and it cost me$160 to appeal.and a big fee for a attorney that I can't afford. I'm on ssd and that's a lot of money for me.isent that why I was at distric Court in the first place

  7. QUALIFIED IMMUNITY removes "EQUAL RIGHTS" and "EQUAL JUSTICE" from every U.S. taxpayer who is not employed in law enforcement!
    Qualified Immunity was Satan's greatest gift to law enforcement…
    School children even hate the outdated and criminally protected police! (Caveat, always record the problematic police!)

    – (Michael B. Saari for Michigan State Senate 2022)

  8. Frazier vs Cupp gives pigs permission more or less to lie during interrogation. It seems like everytime people encounter police, it's an interrogation…. Funny how the court takes their word over the victims of the police since they can lie but the camera does protect you from that.

  9. Excited to see the transparency system presentation, I hope the idea is implemented and accepted across the world because corrupt policing aka policy pushing Isa parasite to humanity.

  10. Hi Chille DeCastro,
    Could you be so kind as to list books you recommend reading. It is known that reading helps to strengthen understanding, comprehension, writing, and most importantly, help expand the mind.
    Thank you,

  11. I saw the footage, camera don't lie, so he was innocent, but I've seen to many times that judges don't care about truth or innocent, just collecting a fee, judges will block evidence .

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