If Only There Were No Bodycams #shorts

Full Story on Lady LackLuster: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5oY_OYsoCg


49 thoughts on “If Only There Were No Bodycams #shorts”

  1. Damn he’s completely Ruined his own case he tells the man I would let you drinking drive with a gun on the public highway with a off road vehicle if I didn’t have a body cam damn partner that was mighty stupid of both of you

  2. “Unfortunately since we have bodycams to make sure we dont abuse out power, I have to do my job correctly by treating you like any ordinary citizen breaking the law. Sorry bud.” What a fucking piece of shit holy hell he should lose his badge for that. You only do your job correctly cause youre on video?? What a terrible excuse of a public official

  3. If there were no body cams I would still do the right thing but i would have him sit in my cruser and i would take im to the drunk take to have him sleep it off and i would personally bing him home my self. That would be the buddy break system. Honestly still do this if there were bodycams but i would let my supervisor/higher rank offer know what I would be doing

  4. I know cops are supposed to be held to a higher standard. However, they're still human and that job is way to difficult to not have some type of relief so I believe to let cops slide from time to time depending on the situation. For example he wasn't harming anyone and no one else was on the road and he was totally incoherent and impaired. I say in this situation the cops let's him slide but follow him home to make sure nothing happens

  5. You really ask him what he would have done differently he just told you he would cut on some race nothing would have happened he didn't like do get off the road go home I'm gonna follow you to the house make sure you make it safely don't come back out if I see you again you know what song that's what it was today Healy cutting slack s*** the d*** blue line

  6. Answer to question: come up with another reason to gain compliance and build trust. This cop is probably blowing the body cam smoke up this guy's ass because drunk cops love to fight their arrest.

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