I’m Calling the Jail to find Tom & Matthew; LetzOTVO & Brick Jonsey are still in jail
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I’m Calling the Jail to find Tom & Matthew; LetzOTVO & Brick Jonsey are still in jail
Want to create live streams like this? Check out StreamYard: https://streamyard.com/pal/d/6334069571584000
I really respect you chille, you go above and beyond to help out the activist. I humbly respect you.
You have to be especially careful about the pigs now because Don dump has empowered them
It looks like they might be out of the dungeon.
LetzOTVO & Brick
In between and leave it at that
Hey there
Team DLZ we don’t STOP!
Maybe someone could link the channels who were helping total strangers based on government failure. Super awesome of those people an they should get alll the new subs. Respect
so much corruption in this system, just pathetic.
OTVO and Tom, we don't stop
When you get arrested we're gonna get into it
We all live in an over policed area!
Thanks for all you do brother!
Mountain on fire no alerts on any tv or live device, only unconnected phone gave the alarm .uplands village plesant hill Tennessee.
Hi chilie good to see you
I call women hun and dear come only one woman got upset
Sorry, I missed your live this morning, I'll try to catch up.
A journalist doesn’t make themselves the story….
I can't even walk a quarter of a mile
Sometimes I get notifications sometimes I don't chili but I love you and I pray for you
Do you have to put aN in front of a Y or just an A?… is it A Yellow submarine or AN Yellow submarine?…Is there a word that starts with Y that uses the Y as a vowel?…hmmmmm
LETZ and TOM….(BRIX TOO)… algorithm….I thought it had a Y in it?….