Important AR Open Carry Case at the Fourth Circuit March 10

AR rights are on the table on March 10 at the Fourth Circuit in the Walker open carry case. Can police detain you with an AR but not with other types of arms? Will we lose even more rights? Follow along live on March 10.


30 thoughts on “Important AR Open Carry Case at the Fourth Circuit March 10”

  1. Police unions are a huge part of the problems. Lobbyists to the politicians. It's real crazy most libs and corporations do not want unions but always stand behind some type union,ie: Teachers,Cops,Congressional retirement fund, and anything else you can call them

  2. I'm sorry but, an AR-15 is just a tool. I have run quite a few shooting deaths, none committed by AR-15's. More murders I ran were from sidearms, kitchen knives, tools, intentional overdose, automobiles and so on. I've commented on this unprofessional, sorry excuse of a law enforcement officer before. He belongs in prison. Not behind a badge. How many lives had he destroyed? Yes, prison.

  3. People get this all the time, if we would say damn, off to jail for cursing, we have no rights anymore, as far as they are concerned, what to do what to do

  4. It would seem that the jackboot thug in the video would have only been happy if the guy would have said yes sir I'll lick your boots let me bow down now. I Open that jack-booted Thug has been severely disciplined and or terminated from employment!

  5. Cops NEVER make “small talk.” That cop is MENTALLY UNSTABLE, obviously. That video will go over big in court. I’m impressed by how the cop (PUBLIC SERVANT) was so courteous and respectful of the rights of others. Also admirable were the numerous names the PUBLIC SERVANT called the taxpayer who pays said servant’s salary. And yes, I’m being facetious. The cop’s behaviour is appalling.

  6. Police are WAY more dangerous than all the mass hooters combined. By far. They are also way more dangerous than any other terrorist America has ever dealt with. Police kill about 1100 people a year. ( ) Mass shooters, from 1964 until March 15th 2020, have killed a total of about 1,247 people and that's according to The Washington Post. Now add up all the people that cops have killed in that same amount of time. And right around one quarter of all the people the cops have killed are known to be innocent. And cops don't throw a parade at all for ANY of their victims. In fact they will show up to funerals wearing shirts that say "I CAN breathe" But yeah, keep backing the blue, people. Here is the link.

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