Who do these KARENS think they are??? And why would her husband defend her wrong behavior instead of correcting it? They are truly going to get someone hurt one day with all that false flagging it should be a crime to cry wolf like that knowing that man did nothing wrong to her
You. Cant. Point. Guns. At. People. To. Assert. Compliance. He could have LEGALLY shot her. SCOTUS has already said an illegal police stop is unlawful (duh) and therefore police CAN become the aggressor and one can defend themselves when illegally threatened with deadly force (gun pointing). Cops arent special.
Dude they are arriving for someone at the pool with a gun they don’t know who tf you are just cooperate so they can figure out you don’t have a gun. Dude puts his hands in his pockets and starts arguing like wtf do you think?
Such a bad day for this poor guy. Dude gets bullied and threatened w a gun, calls cops doing the absolute right thing and then gets attacked and threatened with a gun this time pointed right at him by a unhinged cop…wtf..good thing she's fired and I'm hoping the dude from the pool was arrested.
Knowing what I know about this case, not only should she have been fired, she should be in jail for pointing a gun at the person who called the police.
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Guy was in swimming trunks with no shirt… He wasn't being hostile or aggressive, so why did she feel the need to pull the gun ?
Fire the cop! Shes dangerous. Yhe husband randishing a weapon. This is BS!
She was just mad she doesn’t have a
Did Bethany Guerrero cop got fired? Or is she still on the job? She should be fired
Pulls there gun out and points it at him, they don't need to be a police officer
Only “the best” get to wear the badge.

Who do these KARENS think they are??? And why would her husband defend her wrong behavior instead of correcting it? They are truly going to get someone hurt one day with all that false flagging it should be a crime to cry wolf like that knowing that man did nothing wrong to her
for anyone wondering the officer was fired and he has since filed multiple lawsuits.
You. Cant. Point. Guns. At. People. To. Assert. Compliance.
He could have LEGALLY shot her. SCOTUS has already said an illegal police stop is unlawful (duh) and therefore police CAN become the aggressor and one can defend themselves when illegally threatened with deadly force (gun pointing). Cops arent special.
She shouldn't even be a cop, if
she's that scared.
Hunnniiii got the baggg from 3 people… Hunniii can buy a bigger pool
Good God, Such cowardice.
She tried bawling her eyes out in the IA investigation to save her job.
Haven't heard if the thin skin ego manic chief is still employed.
She needs to lose her job. She should not have a gun
Lesson is, the police are not there to help you!
Dude they are arriving for someone at the pool with a gun they don’t know who tf you are just cooperate so they can figure out you don’t have a gun. Dude puts his hands in his pockets and starts arguing like wtf do you think?
Wow, and he's white. There ya go.
Certain types of people shouldn't be cops. Bipolar isn't one of them. K
Ryan now owns that pool
Such a bad day for this poor guy. Dude gets bullied and threatened w a gun, calls cops doing the absolute right thing and then gets attacked and threatened with a gun this time pointed right at him by a unhinged cop…wtf..good thing she's fired and I'm hoping the dude from the pool was arrested.
she was fired. he sued. he won. thank you.
Yeah she got fired

Piece of crap humans
The full video on this is so worth the watch. The woman cop basically has a complete mental breakdown right before our eyes.
There's nothing stupid ass cops can't make worse.
Knowing what I know about this case, not only should she have been fired, she should be in jail for pointing a gun at the person who called the police.
Guy had a fucking horrible day holy shit
My boy needs to sue her for emotional distress and ptsd. Free therapy fo' lifee dawg!
This concealed carry stuff is really bullshit.
The Cop was also a Karen! Whoopsie! There goes a few million out of the local budget!!!
fire the cop. he should sue both
I hope he sued
Those officers should lose their job, drawing a weapon as people think on an unarmed man
What a disgrace
She's been fired. IA gave her no mercy.
What are they good for absolutely nothing