#Intense Viral Video Las Vegas, James Larosa answers Tuff Qs about #Cops this is hardcore &ends nice

The LVMPD Agreement so that they could work WITH the Feds instead of be investigated and federally charged. It’s a joke. READ



31 thoughts on “#Intense Viral Video Las Vegas, James Larosa answers Tuff Qs about #Cops this is hardcore &ends nice”

  1. Guys..why is everyone saying he's good? He's putting on a good face like "officer" adam hannah which Chilli talked to and everyone said what a nice cop when it turns out he had been demoted twice and then lost his police certificate.

  2. What happened to people who are not a threat or try to rub or non violent crimes cuffed in the front at least an why can't they go with a rubberized cuff or strap like seat belt material or something

  3. What a breath of fresh air, didn’t try to over talk you he didn’t interrupt, he allowed you to articulate your opinions and I was shocked how he had zero issues with you filming. He looked like he didn’t give a crap about you filming which is good. Let’s just hope he’s not a different person when he’s with 3 or 4 of his officers ? But I will say he is the change that’s needed if he’s been honest in his actions. His officers could learn a great deal from him.

  4. You need to go visit NYPD…..the vast majority of them are arrogant A-holes. Try filming inside a precinct, try filming into a cop car, try filming them in public. They will go into “A-hole” mode FIRST….and then YOU will have to DE-ESCALATE them down into realizing that you have RIGHTS. Please, do NYPD and SCHOOL THEM

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