39 thoughts on “It’s $6 but if you don’t got six bucks, I’ll give it to you for free”

  1. Can I have one possibly please? I lost my 55 an hour a week job 3 weeks ago, and still haven't gotten unemployment. I am completely screwed. Plus I have a court case in August, there trying to give me a felony for "threatening a law enforcement officer" which is total BS, all I used was my words, nothing physical at all. I was drunk aswell, so it wasn't my true self. Maybe if I get the body camera can you review it for me possibly. I watch all your videos, I absolutely love what you do!

  2. Love what you're doing but black people can't afford to not speak they beat us they shoot us. I see Caucasian other nationalities executing their rights and their amendments but we can't afford that they plant go after our families I mean it's bad. You've seen it I have a 23 year old son and I really don't tell him what direction to go in he gets pulled over just keep your hands on the wheel and do what they say that's what we tell our kids so that they won't kill him. Thank you for the knowledge bro God bless

  3. Nice work my friend from Melbourne. Australia where the police force is so politicised and do whatever they want without consequence. You would have to sit down if you knew what they can do.. 🇦🇺
    *edit spelling

  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-t3JFsT3lg

    ✅Osceola, Florida🔺March 16, 2023🔺Butt Hurt Road Pirate Deputy Blackmon

    ✅Option[1] Verbal Please Move🔺Option[2] Clog The Jail With Arrest

    ✅Badge Bunny Nocturnal Emissions Bliss🔺17 Minutes Of Body Worn Camera Video

    ✅Body Cam Watch✅May 31, 2023

    🍒🐽🐷🫐Blue ISIS Road Pirate Gang Member In Training

    🍒🐽🐷🫐Improper parking on a two-way road [driver issued citation]

    🍒🐽🐷🫐Refusing to identify [driver issued citation]

    🍒🐽🐷🫐Refusing to exit the vehicle [driver issued citation]

    🍒🐽🐷🫐Pedestrian violation [driver issued citation]

    🍒🐽🐷🫐Deputy Blackmon torture cuffed her with the help of his partner

    🍒🐽🐷🫐On March 27, 2023, the Florida Assistant State Attorney determined

    🍒🐽🐷🫐That the case was not suitable for prosecution

    ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅The driver was issued citations for walking in the roadway when there was a sidewalk present, contrary to section 316.130-3 Florida Statutes, and improper parking on a two-way road, contrary to section 316.195-1. She was booked on one count of resisting an officer without violence, contrary to section 843.02.


  5. 😂😂😂😂😂 go ahead and talk to cops – simple rule – only criminals don’t want to talk to cops – it really is that simple – if you have nothing to hide / if you’ve done nothing wrong – then … talk to cops / if you’re a scum bag – please continue to talk to cops so we can take you off our streets and put you in a nice cold dungeon !

  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fv7vkCPUlus

    ✅Body Worn Camera Video For Badge Bunny Nocturnal Emissions

    ✅Suspect Complies with Cops🔺 Still Gets Beaten With Baton Six Times

    ✅Cathedral City California 🔺 Jeffrey A. Aguirre Tyrant Cop

    ✅TYT Sports✅Jun 2, 2023

    ✅Cathedral City officers took their brutality to a whole new level during this traffic stop arrest.

    ✅Cathedral City is the 10th largest city in Riverside County California. We are a business and resort community located 110 miles east of Los Angeles and 115 miles northeast of San Diego. Sharing a border with Palm Springs, and incorporated in 1981, the city has a permanent population of over 54,000 and is one of the fastest growing areas in the country.


  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oePPLtupwQY

    ✅Houston Texas Critical Incident Reports🔺4 Separate Shots Fired BWC


    ✅30 Minutes Of Body Worn Camera Video For Badge Bunny Nocturnal Emissions

    ✅Dragonette Transparency✅Jun 2, 2023

    ✅Critical incident reports, officer involved shootings all from the Houston Police Department


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