27 thoughts on “James Sheets shot 28x Struthers Police Christy Rohn is being Harassed #INTERVIEW”

  1. Christy, I would love to help and donate as well but I'm in Canada and cashapp is not compatible with US Banks 🙁 I'm so incredibly happy that she is keeping her baby and I would love her to have enough money just to comfortably stay at home and take care of all of her babies. She is such a strong, smart woman.

  2. Christy please for the love of God do your homework on this chili guy he’s bad news don’t get yourself in a position where you get arrested because of what he says he is not a constitutional law scholar he even admitted on one of his videos that he learned it from Google and YouTube. Please please please do your homework watch this guy do what he does!

  3. We see chili is at it again. When is he going to realize that he looks like a complete nitwit with his actions in his mouth all the times he’s been arrested all the times he’s lost in court. Why would anybody wanna follow this jackass?

  4. Christy, I"m sorry. I forgot how sick I was, when I was pregnant. I don't know how you do it, with all those kids, and feeling sick. I wasn't thinking, when I left the last comment. thank you, and I wish you well. I'd appreciate an address to send my donations to. NO APPS please

  5. Let folks send to a PO Box, so folks can send without an APP taking 20-30%. I would rather send a DD gift card to a PO BOX. I wouldn't use those APPS. I would like to donate, but I won't use APPS.

  6. Christy don't listen to the negative comments from people.. it just shows their character. Keep your chin up and realize that you are so loved, and prayed for. Love and hugs take care of your beautiful children. Glad to hear your mom will be there to help, along with your sister. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

  7. ONE OF HIS officers…I thought that police officers were OWNED by the PUBLIC…Evidently I am WRONG, because 'our' police officers ARE OWNED by everyone that is not a civilian.
    Joe Magnets

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