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Bci you guys are compleat garbidige and i am going to be coming after all of you including the fbi and the fbi and iab .!'
And they’re licensed but they don’t even talk about that what I mean by their license is they have a license to kill I’m not joking they have a license to kill which is basically an extra one since it’s not just a CCW they have a piece of paper that they have to sign that says OKAY you can go ahead and kill somebody now.!'
I feel like going over there charging them for obstruction of justice I’m not joking.!'
1# bullshit if was there right now i would arrest all of you guys and thats the truth of the matter of fact and eqipment charges are bullshit because we know that he did not have a gun and thats the truth ofvthe matter of fact .!'
Your language is probably costing you 30% of viewers.
these servants need to realize they can't get away with murder.
Yah… Just like everyone else… The cops don't have to say anything… But if you don't answer there questions… Then you are untrustworthy in the cop's eye's…. Well flip flop this… Mr. Policeman…. You don't answer questions …. You are lying and covering up your lies and criminal activity… You cop's commit…! Cop's in America are CRIMINALS….! I can't tell the good guy's from the bad guy's….. All CRIMINALS….. We all are sinners…. We all sin every damn day…. Punishment needs to be the same for Police as for it's citizens…. Bottom Line
The cop made a mistake….. Maybe….. Why lie about it… Mr. Policeman…. Oh… You didn't like him…. So the cop killed him… That's what happened…. I know the back ground you idiot cop's…!
Sheriff in Polk County Florida… Bragg's about… Unloading all there guns on a suspect….. Bragg's on YouTube about it… Got a YouTube Channel & this County sends the most people to prison than any other County…. And he tells his own… Lies… Because he refuses to buy body camera's for his Deputies….. No accountability…. With no camera's to prove Sheriff Judd tells the truth…. He paints a pretty picture tho..k of his Department….. Do not investigate yourself…. COP'S
The truth would be transparent…. Wouldn't it… Lie. Lie. Lie.
There will be powder residue on hands if fired.
# Jayland Walker
Oh my God Chili, thank you for saying that on this guy's voicemail, especially the part where they all get to get together and get their stories straight, because I said the exact same thing in my comments earlier in this video.
A safe space for them to protest they can protest anywhere they f**** feel like protesting they don't need to be given a safe space to protest. What???
Why do they not have dash cam? I'll tell you why because they don't want the public being able to see what's going on in a situation from the dash cam, that should be a Country-Wide mandate that every police car have a dash cam.
Yeah they actually do train them to empty their entire gun when they start shooting at somebody.
When people of the community witness a crime they're interrogated immediately and forced to give a statement immediately why don't these police officers have to abide by those standards themselves???
Each one of those officers should have been put into an interrogation room and questioned about what happened immediately after this happened so that they didn't have time to collaborate their story with the other officers.
Yeah they haven't given a statement yet because they're waiting until all the officers can talk to each other and verify with one another what their story is going to be
They're totally lying this guy is totally lying because if the gun was in the car like I said my last comment if that even was a picture of his gun then they didn't have any reason to shoot him other than the fact that it's because he ran.
Right he left the gun in the car so you didn't have it on him he wasn't shooting at the police if that is even his gun it very well could have been a picture they took one of their own guns sitting on his seat which I think is more likely.
Ok, so none of these cops so far have had to give a statement so that while they're on their little paid vacation they can come up with multiple stories while they stand and talk around a grill making food at a backyard party at one of their houses, and they're all going to be like all right listen this is what we all need to say here's the story. Get outta here. I don't want to listen to any more copsplaining!!!
I agree with you Chili I want to see every single body cam and all the dash cams.
They didn't shoot this guy they literally turned this poor boy and a f**** hamburger just totally shredded his body 60 wounds oh my God!!!

So that basically get a paid vacation after they murder somebody!!???

# Jayland Walker, James Sheets!!!!!!!
The police need to be completely dismantled.
So they shot him simply because he ran????
# Jayland Walker 1 Wisconsin!!!
Led police on a high speed chase.
Shot at cops.
BUT somehow he's innocent and a victim?!
Do you run from the police wearing a ski mask during summer after shooting at police?
No laws? Really?
# Jayland Walker viewed from United Kingdom.
Delaware County, Indiana…we now have the biggest jail in the state as of recent…wonder what lengths the pigs will go to around here to fill those beds
… I've seen some of the BullShit tactics alright and it's just… BULLSHIT
it out!
fuck these pigs
string em up like the swine scum bags they are die ass holes hate police