Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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Anyone who's seen this video knows the cops gave conflicting commands, nobody could follow. Then rhis man got murdered! Yes murdered by the cop!
Do you really want to keep funding this bullshit?
This was heartbreaking
Oh, I saw this years ago. I cannot watch it again unless there has been a significant update.
For those wondering, his widow eventually won $8 million settlement against the city of Mesa for wrongful death.
Yes brother
That was first degree murder witnessed right on video. I cannot believe what I just watched, whoever fired those bullets needs to go to prison for life
Murder by government decree
Yeah we gotta figure this out, where the peace officers at
Little boy with a gun
He was crawling and he shit him dead. Sick fks
That was murder. That cop should be in prison forever
Trump needs to listen and act accordingly to this advice!
He told him he will shoot if he does the complete total opposite of any of his commands, this is an old clip but the idiot reached for he's wallet and just like simon saids or red light green light if you don't know how to play by the rules then you will be out of the game.
Sad police are so ignorant the reason these cowards got totally out of control is because after the war in Iraq it was alot of military surplus and this equipment started being sold to police departments so they developed this war on society attitude towards the same public they are supposed to serve now combine this new equipment with a racist mentality and you have total chaos that has nothing to do with the constitution or civil liberties
This was MURDER!!!!!
This is pure evil…….this is a deliberate act….
Why do people have so little value for humans lives
Find him
Cop is wrong and should be in jail
This is for what you did for Iraqis and Afghanis.
Cop went into psycho tyrant mode
I really can't watch this, skum
What kind of threat is a man who is complying with ridiculous orders from a beta mail cop like this? He was doing what he was told, and was shot while crawling, is this cop getting his just desserts for this right now?
He's to keep his hands up and crawl. That's not even possible.
These people are who anonymous should be looking at..
I’m too jacked and incendiary to comment
This pig
was a real coward he felt tough cause he had a whole team and they should be charged to crooks
Reminder he had "Get Fucked" imprinted on the side of his rifle too
This is tyranny.
Amen so sorry for this family’s loss