Full Video: https://youtu.be/nFjV4uF0QWQ?si=N6m0vGnJzpuJ5W3g
Details: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2023/12/15/we-settled-family-court-judge-search-case-is-over-final-update/
Full Video: https://youtu.be/nFjV4uF0QWQ?si=N6m0vGnJzpuJ5W3g
Details: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2023/12/15/we-settled-family-court-judge-search-case-is-over-final-update/
Full Video: https://youtu.be/nFjV4uF0QWQ?si=N6m0vGnJzpuJ5W3g
Details: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2023/12/15/we-settled-family-court-judge-search-case-is-over-final-update/
Looks like they got away with it
"Are you recording this? Take his phone"
If that's not an admission of guilt, an acknowledgement of her wrongdoing, idk what is.
I hope this judge faced consequences for her actions!
You mean the lawyers won all the cash clients get pocket change!
How many people has this parasitic judge done this to in her career
Justice works!
Unless she does jail time, this is a face
Sometimes it shouldn't be about the money this case should have went to trail for it to be on record this judge thought she was above the law did she pay or did the tax payer pay since she was working?If the people paid she didn't loose anything
If its still a judge you didnt win you got a payoff
Thank you for the follow up.
I'm not so sure that $200,000 settlement is actually winning.
What about that dip$hit judge, is she still on the bench?
Good for you but is the judge in jail? I bet 100% she isn't
This is why we have the second amendment
That was peanuts though. How is a deterrent?
No victory, however understandable. Hopefully the judge learns from this and the Feds keep their eyes on her.
But the Tax Payers lost this case unless this Judge is Disbarred and Fired,….
Hiw much of that settlement does your client get to keep?
$200,000 is not enough money. The judge being fired and many other things needed to happen here. Lawsuits do not stop them. Lawsuits do not stop the bad/illegal/ criminal acts of police, businesses etc..
This is a case that should not be settled for money. This abuse of power case is deserving of a jury trial, dragged out for a long time as a deterrent to other
Headed to 500K!!!!
Awesome tax payers get fleeced again because public servants have zero accountability.
That's the trouble with patronizing dementia sufferers. How'd she get out of nursing home misguided?
Great job
That judge should never be allowed to practice law again.
Why “Settle” I would have taken it to trial!
I hope that judge was dismissed, otherwise that wasn't a win but a draw.
The judge should be disbard. Tyrant taxpayers screwed again
200k is it bad but personally for anything less than a million after taxes
LMFAO who's supposed to hold these judges accountable when they violate people's rights in the courtroom