July 9th Update | Court TOMORROW!

Team DLZ, it’s Chili DeCastro coming at you from the Clark County Detention Center with a crucial update. Tomorrow, July 10th, 2024, is finally the day of my appeal hearing. After four long months in this dungeon, we’re at the moment of truth.

In this video, I break down what to expect at tomorrow’s hearing in front of Judge Michelle Levitt. I discuss the possible outcomes and my feelings heading into this pivotal moment. I also give a shout-out to my attorney, Chris Orm, for his exceptional work on my case.
For those new to my channel, I explain why I’m here and the importance of our fight for First Amendment rights. I touch on my plans for future legal action and my vision for changing the system.

To my faithful supporters who’ve had my back through this ordeal – thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support has meant everything.

If you can make it to the courthouse tomorrow at 9 AM, I’d love to see you there. But whether you can attend or not, keep fighting the good fight. Remember, we don’t stop!

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25 thoughts on “July 9th Update | Court TOMORROW!”

  1. The Prosecutor aka DA when you were in Ann Zimmerman's Court is a Self Hating A-sian American Woman. The worse of American A-sians. They will do anything to be try to fit in to the controlling Majority and are always Angry. I support you in your endeavors and I wish I could help you more. ALL I can do is really watch. Not all Asians are this way and we avoid Politics at all costs as we are less than 7% of the US population. We get stomped on and humiliated Daily. Just turning on the TV allows me to see that I am indeed misplaced in this digraceful Society. If you are supressed and contempt and reaped a disaster for your rights then how much more as a Asian Male? If I may suggest to you is to learn Silat in addition to BJJ as BBJJ in Asian Culture is not really a Martial Art. Try Silat which is Ancient Chinese Kung Fu. It will serve you well. To be wealthy and honored in an unjust society is a disgrace. Suppose, then, that all men were sick or deranged, save one or two of them who were healthy and of right mind. It would then be the latter two who would be thought to be sick and deranged and the former not! It is clear, then, that wisdom is knowledge having to do with certain principles and causes. But now, since it is this knowledge that we are seeking, we must consider the following point: of what kind of principles and of what kind of causes is wisdom the knowledge? The artistic genius desires to give pleasure, but if his mind is on a very high plane he does not easily find anyone to share his pleasure; he offers entertainment but nobody accepts it. That gives him, in certain circumstances, a comically touching pathos; for he has no right to force pleasure on men. He pipes, but none will dance: can that be tragic? The complete irresponsibility of man for his actions and his nature is the bitterest drop which he who understands must swallow. Truthfulness. He will never willingly tolerate an untruth, but will hate it as much as he loves truth .. And is there anything more closely connected with wisdom than truth? The path that leads to truth is littered with the bodies of the ignorant.

  2. You are the biggest ass 🤡 i've ever seen or heard of on the internet or in a fictional movie so that should tell you how truly pathetic of a little man you are. Your a true embarrassment to the human race… 🫏 🤡

  3. This judge is such an idiot. Everyone eventually makes mistakes and/or bad decisions throughout life and in this instance this judge made a huge one by overturning a correct judgement. Jackasstro was not found guilty because he was exercising his constitutional right, Jackasstro was rightfully convicted and sentenced because he OBSTRUCTED that police officer from properly doing their job. He obstructed by berating that officer and distracted him from being able to focus on the traffic stop. If you are hindering a police officer from performing their job with argumentive behavior, causing them to take their attention away from performing their duty in any way, shape or form after being LAWFULLY INSTRUCTED to back away further, THAT IS OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!!!

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