Update on the video I uploaded showing my client who was forced by police to crawl like a dog in his own home, and then boot-stomped on the back of his head, cutting it open. All without a warrant. All without my client having committed any crime. He committed no crime. Then the officers attempted to delete the video footage, but it was recovered!
Read more: https://thecivilrightslawyer.com/2020/10/23/federal-civil-rights-lawsuit-filed-in-the-dog-crawl-head-smash-video-case/
Don't miss the LIVE video tonight on traffic stop issues. Tuesday evening at 6pm Eastern: https://youtu.be/Zcpcrrs6AUY
This is a situation where you just shoot through the door.
Christ, this is AMERICA, we ALL have guns
Dang! What's that smell>>💵💰💵💰💵💰💸💸💸💸
That scumbag did indeed delete the the recording. Your client was able to recover the footage!
Absolutely egregious!!! Those cops are the real criminals. Please prosecute these thugs!!! They absolutely need and deserve to be behind bars.
i knew it was only a matter of time before police start going door to door breaking in and assaulting and kidnapping citizens for fun. This is going to become a country wide thing now.
(R.I.P. Constitutional rights.)
Any updates on this ?
Looks like the case was dismissed…
Who needs cops like this we need to treat down the same damn way they treat people see how they freaking like it
any updates would be great
Disgusting abuse of power. Every cop on scene should go to prison
Both cops should have criminal charges brought against them as well as fired and sued to the point of them living on the street.
He had no reason to apologize to that cop for not coming outside.
Felonious assault, and felonious evidence tampering
any resolution the lawsuit ?
grabbing the phone and deleting video would be an example of obstruction, destroying evidence. most cops think obstruction is not showing your id.
@10:50 you're literally looking at a criminal in a police uniform, there is no other way to describe him.
@The Civil Right Lawyer, do that lawsuit victories always result in a payout, and if so, is it the dept who foots the bill, are there any compensatory damages levied to the officers as well?
What happened with this case?
You should sue the state cop for attempted destruction of evidence, illegal search of the phone and tampering with evidence.
Don't small town cops ever watch YouTube? Don't they know that smartphones are great at hoovering up scraps of incriminating evidence detrimental to tyrant Law Enforcement officers? If they are thinking their lack of body cams lets them off the hook for video evidence of their wrong doing, they need to understand there are people recording darn near every minute of every day when cops are in the scene. Most people in the US today not only have a smartphone, all their friends and relatives have one, too, and people are very quick to record police in action.
I'll bet Mr. J.L. "Stompin' " Stevens has a history of sliding down the cop pay scale as he gets booted from one cop shop to the next, each time 'graduating' to the a smaller town down the road, and another, and another, until he finally bottoms out at the tiny hamlet of Rainelle, WV, pop. 1190, not counting stray dogs and cats. How many cops can a barely surviving "town" of under 1200 citizens support, considering a lot of people on the census are underage minors, disabled, or chronically unemployed?
The town fathers and mothers of Rainell, WV, better wise up to the kind of cop they currently employ in Mr. J.L. 'Stompin' Stevens, the scourge of innocent civilians wherever he goes. It'll take only one modest civil suit monetary loss to bankrupt the town and cause great pain to the taxpayers of Rainell for years to come, and Mr. Stompin' Stevens is just the guy who will create that kind of civic pain, no doubt about it.
I hope you are licensed in Tennessee, because if I ever need an attorney I'm calling you!
MEME: Wanna watch evidence disappear?
There it goes…
Fargo north decoda cops were ambushed 1 dead told you
This is the problem they keep hiring thug savages instead of good men. They might as well hire convicts.😮
Both officers belong in prison in general population for years! 👿💩🐷🐷
Watching you're older ones makes me realize how much you have improved your delivery.❤😂
Watch qualified immunity come up
So what was the final resul;ts of this case.
In communist countries like North Korea, they will not just arrest the suspect, but also arrest any close family, close friends & even neighbors living next door or nearby the suspect & or workmates!! I strongly feel they are preparing the cops to do such tyrannical actions against the common innocent folk!!
We have investigated ourselves and have found that stomping is allowable under the code.
Prison for all 3 for civil rights violations. How about tossing in a kidnapping charge?
all cops present for this need to be decertified, and charged
what, someone in West Vergina owning a gun? OMG, who would have thunk it??
Arrogant ignorant lying thug like & low IQ cops! This is what we’re talking about when we describe low IQ thug cops who think that people are just rabid animals deserving kicking, stomping, beating & possibly killing!
This other cop (a West Virginia State Trooper) is guilty of trying to cover up a felony by deleting phone camera footage & facts, these are egregious & numerous felonies! The same arrogant god like terror tendencies of this small town thug cop & this state trooper; amazing!
Those two cop's license need to be removed permanently and charged for felony assault
Sun cops are so full of their power that they don't care what's right or wrong constitutional or otherwise.
Straight up KKK. THUGS
Lock your door. Make them break it down.
i would rather sue the cop and take everything he has,,,just for justice