Lisbon Cop Michael Abraham charged Christy Rohn saying, “I know it wasn’t U” costs her $1000s- #Pig

WE DON’T STOP — Watch Michael Abraham DUCK and act super tough AFTER he tells Christy, “I know you didn’t do this” – You’re in BIG TROUBLE Michael.

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31 thoughts on “Lisbon Cop Michael Abraham charged Christy Rohn saying, “I know it wasn’t U” costs her $1000s- #Pig”

  1. I love your channel I am subscribed the problem I have is we never get to see the final outcome. What happened to Christy did they drop the charges same thing with Ironton Ohio case what happened to that girl?

  2. OMG they are stalking and surveilling you and James so this could all be why he was killed. Why did they want him dead? because he ran from them? So he didn't have a warrant and were going tow it anyways even though the plates dont match and there are millions of tahoes out there. They were going to arrest you no matter what you did.

  3. The officer is investigating a car what is he looking for that the car contains? Oh plates maybe. If they found the vehicle last evening with the plates on it why didn't they hold the car at that time? They must have a timeline on the survalence. When did the ex husband enter the house?
    What did they arrest her for? The plates? Since she was not suspected or was that a lie a ruse a big fat self portrait of betrayal. And when it gets interesting the plug gets pulled. Ok thats Life

  4. My two cents is you should have held off on sharing this with the prosecutor until the body camera footage was released on discovery. If all of this wasn't on the body cams then you got em nailed good.

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