LIVE AUDIT; Sunnyvale PD Dallas Texas; They “Backed The Blue” too, Revenue Collectors, #WeDontStop

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38 thoughts on “LIVE AUDIT; Sunnyvale PD Dallas Texas; They “Backed The Blue” too, Revenue Collectors, #WeDontStop”

  1. If chilli wasn't their they would stay all day and night in traping people taking thousands of hard working people's money for the states problem not putting sighns properly man this shit pisses me the hell off how expensive everything is now days barley surviving pay check to pay check

  2. Wow they do that shit all over for no reason but to take the tax payers money working people people going to ball games now they have tickets to lose work to have to go defend your rights and all it's going to do is lose of income for bills our for your kids in sports and go to the police to keep doing that shit all it does it hurt the hard working American

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