Locked Up For Parking Near Her Own Business

Meka’s Videos:
First Interaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t9aDvccuVY
Interview with Chief: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJvj-sPg1bk
Second Interaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXH-mvXk9Uk

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Body Cam: https://amzn.to/3KdeIi6
Gimbal: https://amzn.to/3gZCQsd
Best Camera: https://amzn.to/3x1gn3L
GoPro: https://amzn.to/2U8KY0M
Radar/Laser Detector $$$: https://amzn.to/37LtQC2
Radar/Laser Detector $$: https://amzn.to/3bGyZfQ
Radar/Laser Detector $: https://amzn.to/37hQIfg
DashCam $$$: https://amzn.to/3x6fKZC
DashCam $$: https://amzn.to/3NP6EGj
DashCam $: https://amzn.to/3BUAinB

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#Cops #Police #LackLuster


30 thoughts on “Locked Up For Parking Near Her Own Business”

  1. I mean she does fit the profile of someone that would be breaking into businesses driving that nice car and wearing nice clothes and you know nice hair has a cell phone totally suspicious these cops beg for the ID but all they got to do is run a plate and with today's technology once your face is on their body cam you're identified

  2. These f**** cops are sharing a brain cell I'm surprised they can breathe with their heads so far at each other's ass they don't need an ID to dispel suspicion. They could have just taken her f**** license plate number if they want to identify her as being on the scene in case something was broken into have they ever heard of window shopping if I own a business there I'd be pissed because I want people looking in my business window shopping

  3. Was this Manchester NH. I'd like to send them a copy of the Constitution and Case Law. From the video this is a clear case where Qualified Immunity should not be allowed and the officer(s) held responsible.

  4. My goodness. I live in the UK. People walk down Oxford Street and look into shop windows at the displays, especially in the Christmas period. WTAF- madness. She really had the patience of a saint.

  5. 5:36 starts the heavy duty gaslighting because he knows his boy fucked up and he's trying to cover him

    He's also purposely trying to aggravate her so he can throw her head in cuffs for disorderly conduct. As soon as he started that shit she should've immediately asked if she was detained and if the answer is no, get the fuck out of there.

    If she is opening a business there, she needs lots of cameras and offsite storage of recordings because these are the exact types of cops who will damage her property to show her how much she needs them 🙄

    EDIT to add: I posted before I saw in the video 18:40 that her business has already opened and they've already burglarized it

  6. Her: Asks to be able to leave.
    Cops:No, you can't leave, because you're only looking to stay here and have an argument.

    Next encounter. "We know who you are, so you're being arrested for failure to identify yourself".

    Erhm, okay… Flawless logic. Them cops sure are smart.

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