

  1. Sam Seder leaves out the facts that the police had a swat team sniper on that Uvalde shooter for 6 minutes while he walked across the school field. The sniper followed orders to not take the easy shot! Then the police were in the school on the school camera stopping to put on hand sanitizer while the shooter was taking out kids. That dumb bit€h also left out the fact that parents were arrested for trying to save their children. This woman is TRASH!!!!!!!!! HUMAN GARBAGE!!!! Never mind that I would bet the shooter was a victim of MK Ultra. He was a prime candidate as he had a history of mental illness as he was identifying as trans the previous year in which other kids made fun of him. Go figure, kids are mental pu$$ies these days due to all the coddling today's crap parents offer up. The AR (Armor lite rifle) has NOTHING to do with that scenario! People being stupid enough to subscribe to liberalism is the cause of our nation's problems. CIA is tool of the cabal created by the cabal to be (officially) implemented into the Army in 1947 through corrupt generals. The CIA existed previously under another name. Those cops are a joke as ANY good cop would have ignored orders and taken the shooter out, PERIOD! There is video footage of the actual event that Dan Bongino showed. Sickening! That's mocking bird media for you. Installed to appeal to the dumbest of the Americans who lack in subjective reasoning and common sense processes of thought. Most if not all of these mass shooters are Manchurian candidates set up to excuse the removal of 2A. They did the same thing to Australia, England and Canada.

  2. I live in Las Vegas area these cop are know to violate your rights here no different then these judges who laugh in your face or give you more time while provoking a person vai camera while in jail these cops do this type of stuff all the time hear and its most of them are aggressive ask anyone of brown skin in Las Vegas Area locals don't call cops

  3. i think purposely slandering someone is different than thinking and telling people your opinion if its right or wrong. also, i think before you can sue someone money and if the statements, they made were understandably wrong then that person should have the opportunity to change what he said and take back what he said publicly on the same platform he used to say whatever he said to begin with. but in no way should a couple of worthless nobody's allowed to take a man's millions or billions of dollars and take everything they have no matter what he said weather its right or wrong especially if whatever he said can't be factually proven without a single doubt at all.

  4. there's a confusion going on between normal people and brain cell deficient "people." that is when normal people say something that sounds negative or rude to another it's usually to simply point out a literally relevant fact about the matter, instant or conversation, but the brain cell deficient person sees it as an insult instead. when a brain cell deficient person says something negative or rude its usually always in an immature demining way to insult the person. so, we are always in a constant loop of idiocy when communicating with these 2nd grade mentality type people. when the brain deficient type people do this to us it doesn't confuse us as we can see that they are saying what they are saying to try and insult us because they think what we stated to them was an insult when it was simple fact, so they get confused about what's really going on and try and punish us with big bad words that are obviously are never going to hurt us or affect us in any way at all.

  5. 🎵[ Karaoke Sing Along ]

    🎵Who Let The Dogs Out?

    🎵Who, Who, Who, Who, Who?

    🎵Who Let The YouTube AI Chatbot Out?

    🎵Who, Who, Who, Who, Who?

    🎵YouTube AI Chatbot Telling

    🎵Their K9 BOT Unit To “Bite Chevy”

    🎵Who, Who, Who, Who, Who?

    🎵Delete Chat, Delete Chat, Delete Chat,

    🎵Who, Who, Who, Who, Who?

    🎵Chatbot, Chatbot

    🎵The Conversational AI

  6. I've seen it before but rarely. if there were 10 or 20 armed citizens there standing with that man and sticking up for him, those police would back down if they didn't have a legal right to detain or arrest that man and if the police tried to unlawfully! arrest him then the armed citizens have every right in the world by God to defend that man and themselves from possible death. because any unlawful or unreasonable actions from police can cause your death even if it's just a quick detainment or a seemingly innocent theft of your personal details.

  7. Officer Safety what a POS. These Pussies actually arrested Parents. These Parents should sue the living Crap out of these JBTP's P-Pussies. What a huge load of what we call in the Lone Star State "Horse-Shight"!!!!

  8. Here’s there Training at the weak academy..TAKE COVER AND HOLD POSITIONS. …THATS DEFENSIVE. ONLY ..MILITARY TRAINING IS OFFENSIVE. YOU HAVE TAKE THE INITIATIVE ..putting yourself at risk …THATS YOUR JOB DUTY AND HONOR !!!! Sacrifice and dying is PART OF THE JOB . …Well let’s see…” Officer SAFTEY “ has DESTROYED THAT ETHOS . Now you have a badge DISGRACE.. with NO HONOR, AND GOD IS WATCHING. I AM MY BROTHERS KEEPER ….

  9. Delete Lawz,

    They wouldn't make that offer if they didn't have an army of pigs to back them up. All L.E. should have to be deputies that have an associates degree in the Bill of Rights and ALL sheriffs should have to have a Bachelor's degree in the U.S. Constitution focusing on the Bill of Rights in order to have those jobs. I agree with most of what you say. Where I don't agree is the government employee IMMUNITIES. Those immunity's prevent the people from EFFICIENTLY holding them accountable as they make it next to impossible to bring those criminals to justice. And YES, the judges are definitely at the core of the problem as they enjoy the protection of ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY AKA judicial immunity. Congressional immunity is why they can create wars then invest in the weapons companies to get rich off the wars they create. The people of this nation are enslaved to support their agenda!


  11. Chille has an excellent show tonight but you got to think the world's changing look what's going on this is part of it ain't no governor in any state going to change anything and he ain't never going to happen this is all planned in the 60s and no one's going to stop nothing the world's being sprayed the fires are going to burn Chille the police are doing this everywhere Chille launchpad with you 🍀

  12. I lived in Vegas back in the early and mid 80s. Nothing has changed with these JBTP. They have always been total scum bags. Be careful while you are there Homie. Back in the 80s a lot of people would just disappear after butting heads with the pigs. The cops would just laugh about it and say that they couldn't possibly be aware of any potential bodies in all that dessert.

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