Ive been saying this forever. Police officers are so quick to treat good citizens like crap, but treat actual criminals like babies. Robbers in blue! Cant trust the people who are hired to protect us. Sad!
Speeding can require documentation, recless driving is based on opinion of the donut goblin & gives that donut sucker wiggle room out of a civil rights lawsuit.
Full video linked on watch page!
Title – Rookie Cop CAUGHT Lying On Bodycam
Ive been saying this forever. Police officers are so quick to treat good citizens like crap, but treat actual criminals like babies. Robbers in blue! Cant trust the people who are hired to protect us. Sad!
Im so disappointed in police officers! That driver couldn't be calmer! This officer should be fired immediately. Play games!?
All FISHERMEN know…some days are better than others!
Speeding can require documentation, recless driving is based on opinion of the donut goblin & gives that donut sucker wiggle room out of a civil rights lawsuit.
Nate got a ticket instead of a warning because Nate is an asshole.
Note the change in the driver's voice when he gets caught speeding.
"As he notices he's being recorded…" Dummy, the cop was the one recording! The footage is from his dash cam and baby cam. SMH.
Rookie learning corruption early…liar!
Cops trained by Liberals to gaslight others.
I'll see you in court
People are getting wise to the program.
Don't answer questions.
Don't argue or get angry.
Don't plead your case on the side of the road.
Nate played FAFO and FO that instead of receiving a warning he got the sloppy ticket…priceless
Corrupt cop.
Corruption being taught to rookie

I think if you beat a ticket the cop should have to reimburse you for any damages like your time and lost wages.
Lol careless op. Yet a break?!? Hahahahaha what a crock of shit
Gotta be jersey
when the fk yall going to realize cops work for Freemason terrorist fake gov, Cops' prime agenda is extortion among many other agendas
Rookies are still learning