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Like schools cops are not needed anymore especially when they got little man syndrome
Yep, they are nothing but psycho narcissistic monsters!!
People wake the he'll up…these cops relinquish their citizenship once they take that oath of office…thus becoming Foreign Agents whose duty is to generate revenue through their violent acts.
Those tasers should be Illegal.
Oh look more criminal cops
Blueline thugs are nothing but gainfully employed psychopaths.
So prosecute or shut up fonee
Thugs on patrol.
Nearly killing a person that you acknowledge did not break any law, wtf
Welcome to Russia in the U.S.A. !
Always guilty till proven innocent. That’s tyrant mentality 4 u!
It will not stop until they get what they give, period! Cops do not care about lawsuits because they do not pay, so there are no consequences for their actions
Need new laws aginst brutality
Don't let me catch you doing that to one of my family members and don't be surprised with my reaction.
I can’t say what I want because someone’s gonna report my comment and I’ll get banned by YouTube because somebody on here is so sensitive that words hurt their feelings. Have you ever heard the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me
you need to gather all these police clips and make a video and send a copy to all judges ..just to let them know what there workers are up to..most judges dont watch utube….maybe they already no. and are corrupt as police.
We need to arm ourself against police brutality.
Death to criminal pigs.(by taser).
We need a second Independence Day and I’m down for it.
I completely agree with you, brother. absolutely nothing but pure Blue Line Gang Member activity.
Monsters. For absolutely nothing. Disgusting. No training. Just abuse
They're always so tought behind that badge and gun but afraid of their own shadow without them.
What was he doing in the campus?
How many times has he been told to leave?
Maybe the peace officers are keeping the peace and protecting property and Marcus is known to disturb the peace and steal or damage property.
If the peace officers are themselves 'handcuffed' then chaos will reign.
Look at New York City.
Now, do the people of Lakeland deserve a NYC situation?
I don't know the facts, nor do you.
I am just throwing it out there.
It's very unfair this is abuse of law
You judging all cops based on these cops is no less than these bad cops profiling and acting the way they are, with prejudice, you need to slack off a litle
Stupid cops
So some people want to become a cop to help, protect the vulnerable, and to serve, when you see a vid like this it makes you think "we need good cops" and its just one more reason for a good person to want to become one.
Lol should have complied
If the government is to weak to stand up to police corruption don't shed tear when someone else does
Mt dad was in law enforcement. He told me once when I was kid that I wanted to be like him. He told me no! He told me later on when I was a teenager when the subject came up again why he said that. He told me a lot of times that what separates the officers from the criminals is the badge. He told me stories of cops on the take and how he was put in danger with fellow officers when he refused to take money like they were from certain criminal organizations to turn his head. How fellow officers would take or steal items from the jailhouse. After 17 years, the pressure became too much, and he finally had his first heart attack at 40. I also had a friend's dad falsely arrested. And I was pulled over once in college and asked for my ID even though I wasn't the one driving. The cops are out of control.
I can believe that those faget call them self cops
Wow! The people will rise up!
News Flash New Law Takes Effect Immediately!!! You are arrested, and tased “for not listening to my commands.”
As soon as these so-called officers saw him on a bike they immediately knew what they were going to do to him.

I can't find the "Uncensored" version on X
The whole system must be changed. The judicial system operates under Maritime law which is repugnant to the constitution. We live under common law. Maritime law is what permits these jack Boot thugs to act as a gang. The system runs like the Mafia of old,with the judges being the bosses, and the uniformed badged thugs are the armed enforcers. We demand change
This lack of humanity makes me sick
Lawsuit lawsuit