Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
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Get your Trifolds and 5th Amendment Cop Cards on
@ChilleDeCastro PayPal
@Chille-DeCastro Venmo
$ChilleDeCastro Cashapp
ZELLE: sohi90069 AT gmail dot com
Our justice system is the clone of AL CAPONE with a smile and no Lube.
Cops are idiots. Money thing for these idiots
This guy is a geek 😂
Typical government over reach.
I don't want a cop checking out my pipes, catch my drift! Ohhhhhhh 2 for 1 right there LOL I'm here all week folks!
Why do they always say asking questions is arguing ? The cop is probably a rookie and has not the slightest idea what he's talking about
What department is this?!?!!
I live in Orange County, CA….and this looks very near where I live.
thank you.
This ticket hungry jerk has nothing better to do than go in circles with you. The problem is the cop fell off the merry go round one too many times, normal has nothing to do with this cop and his line of thought or actions. The main goal is to generate those tickets any way they can, it's a wonder he didn't say that he smelled alcohol or marijuana. 🤣🪖🤣
Tops are the enemy of the American citizens! I don't know how else to put it
Most loud Harleys have aftermarket exhaust.
Sooner or later your tailpipe/muffler is going to rust out and need replacing.. Oops, you're going to have to MODIFY YOUR EXHAUST! Give em a ticket!!
What about Harley motorcycles.. even with "stock" and "legal" exhaust they are obnoxious AF. WHO CARES this is AMERICA
Facts bro
It’s sad that these are the idiots that our military helps defend. Chili is a disgrace and a liar. He is a criminal
So how do you know how loud it’s supposed to be?
Be careful goofball, you'll end up back in jail.
I wish Trump did not have the stance he does about the police. Otherwise he would be much greater. What's to do if he bolsters qualified immunity? Seriously.
you can add being 'extremely jealous' to all the other nonsense these coppers bring to a traffic extortion
In 04 during the mlb red sox vs Yankees alcs., I was pulled over 3 times that week twice by the same cop for "loud and modified exhaust" in fl where we don't have inspections. The 3rd time when the cop was at my window a harley drove by, cop had to pause it was so loud. I asked him about that. He refused to say anything about it and said "I'm dealing with you". Lame as shit. Just extortionist looking to create an arrest
Cops that have given these tickets need to be suspended
Road piracy at its finest 👌
I thought delete lawz was locked up by watching ltwm. Yet he's posting.
It's probably hard to get arrested again, but if you or your mind to it I'm sure you can get arrested again. And if that happens, I'll subscribe!!!!
Just think, one more like…. It's so worth it.
I think he’s doing a perfect job asking questions because it’s when his case in court now the pig was battering him about something stupid to be arrested for you shut up
That money goes for their free healthcare and their pension and their overtime
Thank you chili I've seen this one before but it goes to show these police officers like to mess with people and they like to take their money
We MUST stop sending our police officers to lSREAEL to get trained.
They will turn us all into PALlESTlNlAlNS.
A squeaky brake is now an arrest able offense? JBTP OTVO