0:00 Cops tell back up filming their investigation of “man with gun running around”
5:01 Cop tells they need to escort him to another area as he tells them they have no obligation to protect him
6:35 Peace Officer oath
7:18 Cop aggressively chest bumps as he continues filming scene with choppers overhead
27:25 Friendly chat with copper as explains violence needs to end
34:27 Chille’s brief back story with police that sparked activism
39:04 Some of ’s favorite auditors
44:47 Chille obtains roof access to film scene
Get your “We Don’t Stop” T-shirt and your Indestructible Tri-Fold on DeletelawZ dot com — We Dont Stop —
You should always use THE TRIFOLD That we sell on INDESTRUCTIBLE PAPER from the website DeleteLawZ dot com for $25.00. We ship it from Los Angeles. OR — get the Trifold you PRINT AT HOME for five dollars by Putting “FiveDollarTrifold” (When you go to Purchase the $15 Digital Download, that’s WHEN you put the ONE WORD, FiveDollarTrifold in and then you print it at home)
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The whole police brutality thing is just to create more revenue. Think about it for a second… a cop kills or beats someone, they know exactly what will happen…RIOTS… which means a butt load of arrest of rioters. So when do we really start to follow the money as they do to find the ricco case possibilities?
"Long Island Audit is the best in the game" Subscribed to your channel. Found you two days ago and can't stop watching. Keep it up!
COPS The biggest most violent crime gang in AMERICA.
Roof top needs railing
“Backup there’s a guy with a gun” like no shit look at your waist stupid
7:09 turned into a remix
The cops are right. It's not safe because someone's walking around with a gun. The cops are carrying guns. Not safe.
They are not good guys. They are theives of your hard earned money.
You just broke you don’t argue with him don’t fight with him !'
We need to abolish police department, we don’t need them we don’t want them. NO MORE POLICE
It’s easy to put hands on another man knowing they can’t fight back. You could replace cops with 16 year old girls and they’d be just as effective.
Biggest terrorists in the country are dirty cops who don't know the constitution they swore to protect. This is why Qualified immunity needs to be abolished. Stop protecting and letting criminals cops get away there crimes. It's sickening that they aren't held accountable bc of the blue line gang
Please come to my town we need help
Notice how the public servant pig told Chille to back up .
His excuse was : our k9 is susceptible to human scent ?
They are humans walking their mutt around an American citizens vehicle?
Look how FREAKED OUT they got over your camera, waaaaaaay more than the guy with the supposed gun???
4 cops more concerned about 1 man with a camera than 1 man with a gun! That speaks volumes as to what the police believe is the bigger threat to them…a fucking camera.
Earning the hate!
So very great! Chillie keep strong, never give up, the poor people need your help against the evil ungodly minions of satan , the police and military state, they profess to be for freedom, but if you look at the true reality they work for satan, the anti christ,the hegelian dialectic, thousands of years old,when king soloman turned against the almighty god, here we are today, and millions of dumb stupid people, chose safety and comfort over the freedom that god gave them since birth, the rulers have hoodwinked the masses to believe that evil and controll of the weak is good, they will all end up in a eternity of darkness
Nice to hear you mentioned Long Island and AP…you are correct…. best of the rest

But you guys are the first m********** to call the cops when it's your life being threatened or is it going down in your neighborhood but you're the first to sit there and say s*** about the cops give me a f**** break