Message to “The Good Cops” – Failing to Intervene = YOU are sued for Civil Rights Violations


39 thoughts on “Message to “The Good Cops” – Failing to Intervene = YOU are sued for Civil Rights Violations”

  1. Journalists who commit crimes are subject to the law as well as the rest of us. Being a journalist is not a shield from the law. And just because you're recording something doesn't make you a journalist .

  2. This man seen that black family get arrested while waiting and a parking lot perfectly fine and mining their business. Then torture by the police. I say family but it was really women and children. Thank you for cleaning up Vegas

  3. I love the way you are sticking it to Las Vegas Metro, all they do is strong arm the public for money. They operate like gangsters, on Swenson and Twain there's so many cops randomly pulling people over. I actually thought they had a substation in the neighborhood. I used to look out my window and watch them across the street from my apt. There's no way someone gets pulled over every 20 minutes in the same spot are legit traffic stops. But the real bs starts after they pull people over.

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