How to help – Contact Info:
District Of Arizona DOJ Email:
Kyrsten Sinema
Az Congressional Rep
U.S. Attorney Contact:
Phoenix: (602) 514-7500
— Direct D —
Sentencing Hearing for all 4 cases:
Paul Hawkins – City Prosecutor
John P. Tatz – Presiding judge
Raymond Schumacher – Sentencing judge
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#LackLuster #Cops #Police
How to help – Contact Info:
District Of Arizona DOJ Email:
Kyrsten Sinema
Az Congressional Rep
U.S. Attorney Contact:
Phoenix: (602) 514-7500
— Direct D —
Sentencing Hearing for all 4 cases:
Paul Hawkins – City Prosecutor
John P. Tatz – Presiding judge
Raymond Schumacher – Sentencing judge
— Submit your video: —
This guy needs a better lawyer…
Imagine that….corruption at its finest!
It act broken and no justice its time to bring down that system these judges hello DOJ is broken and corrupted that y these dirty fk are pulling this b.s…no real leader 100% corruption
That judge has his body parts up a body orifice of the police department
Corrupt systems in government are nearly impossible to overcome. Sorry just the way it is.
4:38 "You people do have rights to record" as if he's in a different category of human. Piece of shit
Having to resort to Direct D for reference? You lost your point.
Why are they all fat?
They have a h@®d0# for Direct D.
Judge retaliates against camera. Cover up right to the top of a corrupt state.
Nice blue line badge
Currupt as fuck..
He must not have hired the right Lawyer
90 days in jail or 2 year of jumping through their hoops??? That's how people stay in jail and become criminals .That's b***** I take the 90 days.
Corruption in government
Who the hell put these idiots incharge.
All elected officials should be fired then jail the police chief, the council and especially the judge.
The judge is a dirty prick, along with the mesa police department, domestic terrorists all of them.
This is typical of the Mesa judicial and law enforcement agencies… they collude to fuqq citizens of their rights. It's a Mormon zone…
D is co-intelpro, controlled opposition. Making good auditors look bad. So they can change law. Wait and see.
The officers initial direction to step back was actually very reasonable and legal, the guy was literally trying to dtand right behind where the cop was trying to be, clearly just trying to instigate a reaction from the cop for views. I would have been fine with an arrest then, but once he had taken several steps away the officer should have just returned to his stop instead of following him further
Everyone please do this. When you hear a cop command in your video and question it…… just go to Google the little microphone and ask, "Is stop and frisk legal in Arizona." … Google will tell you your state law, period. Try it.
The blue line flag on the pig's chest is a terrorist symbol and gang sign. The judge is a dictator.
It's not going to end unless the people use their 2A right. The "authorities" want to put crimes on "we the people" so they lose their authority. Only one way to fix what's broken.
You're doing a good thing LackLuster
4:44 The "Honorable Judge" said Christopher'sviolation of the 1st amendment? How can a civilian violate the Supreme law of the land, when it is for limitation of government power, not civilians? What a coton headed niney munguns!
But he was interfering with the traffic stop. He wasn't ten feet away even during the moment when he said "I'm ten feet away". He can't really call himself an auditor when really it looks like he's a trouble maker hoping for a lawsuit. He's not making anything better for anyone. He's not educating anyone, and he's definitely not setting a good example. The sign in city hall didn't give him permission to go upstairs either. I have a hard time feeling bad for him.
that dude is a prick about his activism though…he asks for it…very provacative
In past years the ACLU would represent citizens in cases defending our civil liberties, but that organization is purely political now and are opposed to individual rights. Maybe Direct D can get the Institute for Justice to help?
you funny lawyers and judges no care if caps break Sate and Fed law!!
i didnt even know it could get this bad
the system is failing us
That judge crooked as hell
hang tough D ! Respect…
Speak softly and carry a big stick!wrak men is all usa
Its just fellow Americans tgat work in the government and we all know they are weaker than most but they are not afraid of their fellow Americans because their fellow Americans blindly obey and treat them like they are gods! I hope the government employees use everything they can to destroy All tax payers and take everything from them ! The tax payer is the reason the enemy " all government employees) dose what they do and walks freely at the grocery store and and any where they want like they own the place! The taxpayers will giv it to them and tell on those that won't! keep flying the usa flag proudly like the us military aint nothing but flunkeys that obey and they are here for your safety! Lol aint enough hell for the tax payers in the world! Hitler would be proud of you Americans
Where are all his buddies? Looks like they all love to hang out when he gets arrested. They don't refuse the attention they get when HE PUTS HIS ASS ON THE LINE, but I dont see any of THEM supporting him. He seems to get singled out because he's active, vocal, demonstrative, stands his ground, and fights back.
When he does, and the cops go after him…
Theyre all silent.
Letting him take the beating.