45 thoughts on “Mr Assuming Cop. #1A”

  1. Notice how he said that he doesn't want to put cuffs on this guy because he tried to explain the situation by saying that he stopped for a non emergency situation so is a flat tire an emergency reason and claiming that his partner is competent to do the job he took an oath to and any recording source that isn't property of the police department is a good way to hold police officers accountable for their actions

  2. Look.. you stop your car on a freeway just to film something going on. Seriously ?. Some dude doesn't see your car and barrels into you taking you and your car out. And you think the police are idiots ?.

  3. Imagine if George floyd was pulled over on the freeway and not in front a bunch of people those killer cops would be running the streets right now every traffic stop by a cop should be recorded NO MATTER WHERE THE STOP IS CONDUCTED BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT SAFE AROUND COPS AND THEY DO AND WILL LIE TO YOU

  4. And then you walked away like a little bitch because you were breaking the law.

    What a fcuking moron. 😂😂😂
    You don't know shit about laws.
    You're a fking loser harassing people.

  5. It’s either every cop doesn’t know the law because school is too short or every cop does and tries to take advantage of unknowing civilians. Both are equally scary.

  6. The police stopped a car for a non emergency reason . So both the police car and the car they pulled over are breaking the law according to the police offices logic . The next time a police officer wants to pull you over hold up a sign saying its against the law to pull over for a non emergency and just keep going .

  7. Cops are not out of control it's all those jerks that think they know it all they brake the law and tried to get away with it cops don't bother you if you don't ask for it specially this idiot that makes his living out of harresing the cops he is a jerk

  8. No we don't trust you and we don't trust your co-workers either because u stand by everyday and let illegal stuff happen because it's being done by police officer

  9. just make sure ya dont do it in california, since stopping on the freeway for non emergency reasons is a ticket. its CVC 21718 i think. would be interesting to see that fought against on a federal level to protect our rights.

  10. This dumb a$$ cop is saying that no one is allowed to pull over on the side of streets to talk on their cellphone, to be safe, so keep driving and kill someone for not paying attention on the highway.

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