My Client’s Face Has Freak Encounter with a “Guard Rail” – Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed

We just filed this federal civil rights lawsuit for excessive force after this happened in Mercer County, West Virginia. #FourthAmendment #Section1983 #CivilRightsLawyer

This is a deep dive into the case, FYI – not a 5 minute type of video.

An excerpt of Freedom is Scary Live Ep. No 55. Subscriber for updates and more crazy cases.


42 thoughts on “My Client’s Face Has Freak Encounter with a “Guard Rail” – Civil Rights Lawsuit Filed”

  1. We don't have qualified immunity anymore in New Mexico. One of the only things our governor has done right. I think all states should get rid of qualified immunity. If we as few citizens can't claim ignorance of the law, the people meant to enforce laws shouldn't be able to either!

  2. Those cops are lucky they weren't shot when they walked through the door. I hope this man wins millions west Virginia the next time I go to North Carolina I'm going to bypass WV nothing but Crooked cops.

  3. Why was she in the cop car? When you serve a tpo, the victim is not normally anywhere around. In GA you go to the courthouse and get the TPO.. the sheriff serves it at a later date… That's extremely odd

  4. This has happened to me a few times before (for the record, yes I broke the law at the time, but I have never resisted arrest, or assaulted a cop) so I want everyone to be aware of the fact that police behave like this DAILY and the shit has got to get fixed, if we all don't speak out against it then it's gonna continue. Thanks for reading this

  5. Any reasonable person that had just been viciously attacked by police without reasons known would want to flee. They are a gang & if you run from them, "their brothers in blue" are going to show up & handle whoever it is. He had no idea why they came to his home & just walked in without a warrant or even saying a word on why they were there & start started to approach him aggressively & then got physical.

    It comes down to fight or flight & he couldn't run right then so he had to fight till he got the chance to run away then he did.. Perfectly understandable! He didnt try to hide out forever. He wanted to get to another county so those 3 wouldn't be the ones to arrest him & beat him again. I hope all 3 of the bullies go to jail themselves & EACH of the police departments thwy work for have to pay him MILLIONS! He will never feel secure with police ever again after this. They need to pay for what they did!

  6. Well said Sir.
    I was a professional bouncer for six years.
    I never needed to leave someone in that condition.
    You detain someone or you shoo them away.
    If someone is left with serious injuries that means your door staff have literally jumped in and given someone an ass pounding.
    No professional security would tolerate that shit, let alone do it.
    The fact that the police DO tolerate that shit sets them at a level below bouncers.

  7. Hate to say this, but having already filed a §1983 federal action and as detailed you say the complaint needs to be and is, there seems to be a lot of material, and even pivotal, facts you dont know.

  8. So who told the police that your client was on his way to surrender to federal agents in the next county?
    • Probably either someone who's naively trustful of police or someone who wanted the cops in that county to get ahold of him first.
    It's a suspenseful story.

  9. My ex wife pulled the same stunt because she didn't want me to have the kids, she took off in the car from the place we switched kids to a sheriffs office, they automatically took her word and some sawed off runt of a deputy came up to me looked up to me and you need to get the hell out of here, the kids aren't going with you. LOL ok barney fife My rights were violated so much in that divorce, the police is always on the side of the female.

  10. What is wrong with law inforcement .why do they beat people do they get off on it? Not sure why they have qualified immunity? Or anybody does? Come on we as a country we cant tell who the real criminals are? Time for justice and put these criminal cops in prison and if they do these things.they should be escorted out of the country never to return.maybe Canada will take them.

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