My Client’s Wife Filmed his Arrest – Watch What Happens

#ExcessiveForce #CivilRightsLaw #PoliceVideo My client’s wife filmed the police arresting him. Now that the criminal charges have been resolved, we’re ready to proceed with a federal civil rights lawsuit. The video has never been on YouTube before. See for yourself.


31 thoughts on “My Client’s Wife Filmed his Arrest – Watch What Happens”

  1. Respect the badge! Who can respect tyrants like this! All the officers involved; need to be throughly investigated. This gang mentality their using on people; is becoming very obvious. The wife felt threatened by them and who wouldn’t. Not one of them stepped up to do the right thing. They saw what the cop did. Yep! Gang mentality!

  2. Want to find the bottom of the barrel, worst of the worst, most ego-driven hateful and spiteful humans in the country…don’t look in the jails or prisons…look in the police departments and sheriff’s departments all over the US. You’ll find more depravity and evil there than anywhere else.

  3. To man that the lawyer amzing work sorry lose my cool but cops these days are so much garbage no leader ship no accountability no honer they get no respect at all …no integrety no oath office. I fill they nazzi thugs back blue gang and thats all matter to them they will follow law or they done we the people will hold them accountable. Some way somehow ..we the people hired them . .we the people they will respect us. Those days are over sir iam sorry and man own this channel i mean no disrespect to him any way fed up dirty cops

  4. It is totally unacceptable for Public Servants to ever say “I don’t care”, “I’m not listening”, “for my safety” and/or “that’s your opinion” in an engagement with the Public. Yet I hear them say one/all of those statements in every video on YouTube. EVERY one.

  5. All you 2D AMENDERS, do not think that the MAGA party will not DISARM you (yeah you White folk!) if they come into power. The first thing a 'King' does is to DISARM the populace. They will ensure ONLY THEY have weapons. Take that to the bank!

  6. Officer can we agree that if you tried to punch me right now that I would hit you with so many lefts you beg for a right?🤣
    Officer, can we also agree that you are taking a verbal beating in this deposition?🤣

  7. Man ol man I wish cell phone was common around 15 years ago I was in the back seat of the cop and deputy MARK LEATHERMAN MINERAL CO. WV PUNCH ME IN THE FACE AFTER GETTING BEAT UP BY TO GUYS BUT SOB SHOW'S UP AND THROWS ME INTO THE COP CAR .. SMALL TOWN BULL SHIT COPS AND LAWYER THEY GAVE ME

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