42 thoughts on “Need an Iphone for a couple days & an Ohio Lawyer to help”

  1. why would a grown man ask people for stuff? He drives a nice car after all. Signs and symbols are language. And this is activism that requests money. A man who works in truth shouldn't have to ask you for anything. Your truth stop should never incur a charge or fee.

  2. O my God you do all the classic mistakes use a Android DeGoogle phone 📱! You got lot more freedom Iphones are a dead end you have to be Tech Savvy otherwise the enemy Winn ! Another alternative is a Linux Phone much more better encrypted and safe ! Not mention much cheaper ! Hating Android phone 🤳 it will be your weakness a solution is a WiFi Hand camera and use a wireless hotspot dongle ! There so many affordable options…..

  3. Watch this guy's body language… keeps scratching his face..signs of insecurity and nervous.. What does this guy think is going to happen with his 'borrowed phone'' when he commits another crime and its confiscated? People are crazy to follow this idiot.. No address? What does that tell you?

  4. In my opinion, any kind of reputable reporter/investigator would never walk around with a single device that held all of the personal information they gathered from their "confidential" informants. People who truly seek justice can find it. However, justice for them will not come from a blowhard such as yourself. I watched a couple of your videos yesterday, including the one where you were arrested. You got exactly what you asked for. In doing so, you hung a lot of people out to dry. If people don't want to be on the wrong side of the law, and I have been there myself, they will quit giving the law reasons to come after them. I used to be an alcoholic. I would drive around doing this. Putting myself and others in jeopardy. I no longer do such things. I put those things in the hands of Jesus and he delivered me from them. April of 2017. Coming up on 5 years. The best part about it, HE is my freedom and justice fighter now. I follow His laws. There's only 2. Love The Lord my God with all my heart, mind and strength, and I love my neighbor as myself. Following these commandments, I love you, but I don't like what your doing. If you truly want to seek any kind of justice for these people, find a better way to do it. You tell people to repent. "Get on your knees and repent," you say. Maybe you should follow your own advice. While you're at it, give these people their money back. I saw a couple of your videos where people are sending money to multiple cash apps by the hundreds. Stop taking advantage of people. You know that's what you're in town for. That, and to make a name for yourself.. Please stop. I know there are corrupt cops, but there are just as many good and decent people who swore to uphold the law. Being a blowhard will only get you and those who look to you for help, hurt and in more trouble. Not to mention, drain their bank accounts. FIND JESUS FOLKS! In Him, is where you will find peace, justice and liberty. NOT in this guy.

  5. We all need to complain to our Governor Mike Dewine about watching a Citizen having his Constitutional rights Violated on film. This will open the eyes to the Corruption In Ironton and force them to investigate it

  6. Never give up, ever! I know a lot of trolls are trying to bring you down. Don’t let them remember who you are. God bless you for fighting for justice. I’m doing my thing on my side and trust me it ain’t easy. We got to remember who we are, why we are here, and the reason.Hold your light never give up.

  7. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! Fucking pathetic beggar. Act like a douchebag that thinks he knows it all, gets arrested and then asks for handouts from strangers. Why don't you call mommy and daddy?!?! Oh that's right, at almost 50 years old they have no clue how pathetic you are.

    Ur such a know it all, how could you possibly need a lawyer. Surely they can't know as much as you. You have gotten everything you deserve clown.

  8. Hey Chili it is a crime for them to ask for the SS # i will find the cite, they want the SS number so they can charge the SS account thats what all the bonds are charged too there is a bid bond performance bond and payment bond on every case at the state level and 3 at the federal level on every case the 1500 dollars is chump change for their bar tab the bonds are on the case are in the millions W-4 the case and ask which name they want put on the IRS form 8300 watch them squirm, its all trust law study trusts thats the only relief. times must change i love what your doing i for one help people behind the scene.

  9. See… what y’all don’t seem to understand is that you keep living your lives as a DEBTOR. You walk into court as a DEBTOR. YOU are the PRINCIPLE. But, because you have ZERO clue as to who you are, Chille included, you’re all in BONDAGE.
    The PERSON on the birth cert is NOT you. Stop acting “as if” it IS. YOU all are WILLINGLY choosing to be a SLAVE by “claiming” you’re IT.


    “God is NOT a respecter of PERSONS”

    Christ spilt his BLOOD to wipe away your sins.

    Sin = debt

    You are DEBT FREE

    Why are you paying DEBT if you’re “debt free”?

    You’re DENYING the sacrifice of Christ and the blessings of God because you walk around as a PERSON in idolatry and adultery.

    It’s NOT YOURS. It NEVER was YOURS. It says it on the frikn birth cert “STATE OF….”


    He who owns is LIABLE.


  10. Dude! You’re so far off base with this “audit” idea. You’re going to end up like Glenn Cerio; overweight, broke, unemployed, alone, and despised. You need to learn the difference between “publicly owned” property and publicly accessible property. Publicly owned property is still subject to rules.

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